茶文化的英语可以这样说: tea culture,还可以翻译为tea culture,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到41个与茶文化相关的翻译和例句。
1. tea culture
茶文化翻译为 tea culture 。
示例:中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发源地。 China, the homeland of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture.
2. tea culture
茶文化翻译为tea culture。
示例:上周,我们带着我们学校的外国学生去体验真正的茶文化。 Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture.
3. tea culture -
茶文化翻译为 tea culture - 。
1、Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.
4. tea culture -
茶文化翻译为 tea culture - 。
示例:~ Tea-Tea-Tea-Teacher's gonna show you ~ # Tea -Tea -Tea
1. tea culture(茶文化)
2. dominant culture(优势文化;
3. Munhwa(文化)
4. local culture(地方文化 , 地方文化)
5. media culture(媒介文化;
英语短语&俚语, Chinese tea culture The Culture of Chinese Tea Tea Culture ( 中国茶文化 )
Cha Cha The ( 采采食茶文化 )
Chinese and Japanese tea culture ( 中日茶文化 )
The Tea Culture ( 话说茶文化 )
Tea culture and health ( 茶文化与养生 )
Chinese Tea ( 国茶文化 )
British Tea Culture ( 英国红茶文化 )
1. it's a matter of new versus old culture.
2. Matcha became so popular that a distinct Chinese tea culture emerged.
译文:末茶风靡一时,独特的中国茶文化也由此产生。 。
3. Culture is frowned upon, it doesn't pay.
译文:文化很受轻视, 因为文化不能当饭吃.。
4. Porcelain tea charm, only in Yao Li, south of tea culture and Jiangnan porcelain culture, it seems to be true integration and interchange.
5. Because of its unique position, the academia did studies on Keemun Black Tea, and published numerous books.
译文:由于祁红的独特地位,学术界对其名茶文化展开了研究,并著书甚多。 。
6. Besides... his culture is our culture.
译文:而且... 他的文化就是我们的文化。
7. Washe (tile-roofed house) culture was a culture of the common people.
译文:瓦舍文化是一种平民文化。 。
8. Since Japan was a predominantly a tea culture, tea has a very important place in Japanese culture.
9. Holding a tea party for entertaining our friends and eulogizing tea culture
10. Our mission is of cultural integration and independence.
11. Within the overall culture, there are usually subcultures.
译文:在整体文化中,通常还包含微观文化。 。
12. Develop the long-lived culture, Cailun culture, Chuanshan culture, and build the brand of regional culture in Hengyang.
译文:开发寿文化、蔡伦文化、船山文化、打造衡阳区域文化的品牌。 。
13. in the 7th Centry A. D., tasting tea had been popular all over the country, including common people and thus tea culture is one part of Corea traditional culture.
译文:公元7世纪时,饮茶之风已遍及全国,并流行于广大民间,因而韩国的茶文化也就成为韩国传统文化的一部分。 。
14. Form both the tea material and spiritual sense, the tea cultural resources appear colorfully ecological values.
15. Our mission is of cultural integration and independence.
译文:我们的任务是文化融合与文化独立 。
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