
作者:用户投稿 阅读:288 点赞:0




1、You must go home and have a good rest. 你必须回家好好休息


2、I'll get knee to knee with her.


3、Well, then we have to think about it.


4、You ask what is good, I answered, as before, make you very sad.


5、To properly preserve, utilize and manage the trans-border rivers is our shared responsibility.


6、Hello. Can I speak to Zheng Jie, please?


7、They would do well to pause and ponder upon eir new responsibilities.


8、Don't say it aloud. Just take a moment.


9、' — 'Curiosity killed the cat, that's what.'


10、Data structure learning materials, please take a good foundation, thanks to support, ch3!


11、Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Therefore, English is worth working hard at and learning well since it is worth learning.

12、Books and friends should be few but good. 好书好友不在多,在于精


13、Agood fame is better than a good face.


14、Roland Buser:Trust namely nice, control is better.


15、I will treat myself to a sunbath.

B 嗨,燕!早上好!我很好。你呢?

16、Hi, Yan. Morning! I'm fine. And you?


17、Li Li is very kind and friendly.


18、Are you sure?" " I know." "How are you?"


19、Heather: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.


20、Stop being a machine and focus on what you love. Do it lovingly.

21、John:Well, go practice your English first.那你还是先好好练练英语吧。

22、Chocks inserted, landing gear safety pins inserted, ground power unit on, release brakes, Please.挡 好,起落架安全销已插好,地面电源接好,请松刹车。

23、Good good design, Day day up!☉Yove、宣言: 好好设计,天天向上!

24、This floor needs a good scrub.这地板需要好好地擦洗一番。

25、Great,we’d better make a booking. It’s quite busy this time of a day.太好了,我们最好先订位,这个时间他们生意都很好。

英文句子26:,26、Geese: Fine, thank you. And you?白鹅:很好,谢谢你们。你们好吗?

27、And speak contentedly, so I also want thoroughly to thoroughly adjust up the taste for my examination of this milestone type.且侃侃而谈,因此我也要好好的为我这个里程碑式的考试好好的调上滋味。

28、So Good… I drunk many soup! hehe.太好味啦…我饮了好多碗汤…!

29、I will be well, flower still smells fragrant;我会好好的, 花还香香的;

30、Trev: All right, But we're going out to spend some of this money later.崔佛:也好,不过待会我们要好好享受这些赢来的钱。

31、but I really want to think about that.所以我要好好考虑一下。

32、You'd better preview the text before class.你最好在课前预习好课文。

33、I'm good. I'm good, man. Thanks for having me. This is so much fun.我很好。我很好,兄弟。谢谢你邀请我过来。这超好玩的。

34、Bear: One, two, three, four…many many ants.一二三四…好多好多蚂蚁。

35、He says again, 'Good fences make good neighbors.他又说,“好篱笆出好邻居。”

36、Good. Ready to go have lunch?- Sure.很好 准备好去吃午餐了吗?。

37、Old wood is best to burn,old horse to ride.老柴好烧,老马好骑。

38、Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.好吧,不管好歹,反正我按铃了。

39、Good to begin well, better to end well.有善始很好,有善终更好。

40、Come and have a good warm by the fire!到火边来好好取暖吧。

41、Would you mind moving your bike? 请把你单车挪动一下好不好?

42、Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom. 请好好地照顾自己。

43、Sure. A good sleep will refresh you.是的,好好睡一觉就会解乏。

44、Yet the eco-friendly fuel is beginning to look less chummy of late.但是生态友好燃料好像并不像以前认为的那么友好。

45、A:Okay,but you'd better be right.好吧,不过最好你不要弄错了。

46、Everything's fine, why don't you take a photo?好好儿的,你怎么不拍了?

47、The coffee house is back.Enjoy it.咖啡屋又回来了,好好享受吧。

48、May I have some more soup , please . OK .请再给我点汤好吗?好的。

49、Your bike has to be mended well.你的自行车需好好修修了。

50、Well, the Bronx is a nice place.好吧,布朗克斯是个好地方。

经典英文句子51:好,51、Top: Lovers righteousness, to talk about good news.顶:同好义,说说好的方面。

52、Okay. Great. This is actually terrific.好的,非常好,事实上超乎想象

53、Roland Buser:Trust namely nice, control namely better.有信心是好的,有把握更好。

54、and to be a good person, have a good heart.还要做好人,存好心。

55、Many wonderful scenic spots had witnessed his footprints.好山,好水都有他的足迹。

56、I gotta go home and have a good sleep.我得回家好好睡一觉。

57、It seems very funny, I want to have the sand too. anyone know where to buy it?好似好好玩咁…我都想有…想问系边度先买到?。

58、Manage your time and energy well.好好管理你的时间和精力把。

59、Take good care of yourself. We all love you, grandma.请好好地照顾自己。


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