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关于”成为有用的人“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Become a useful person。以下是关于成为有用的人的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Become a useful person

How to be a successful person, as the saying goes, nothing likes to deal with successful people better than successful people. There must be a reason why you see a person succeed. The most obvious reason is that he knows what he is doing.

When there is an opportunity, people will naturally deal with the best people. This is the best way to achieve success is to do a lot of work. Your achievements and the fame it brings will let the public know how good you are and people will do it through you Or just by looking at your performance in the game.

When you see a man playing on the tennis court, it's obvious that he's a full-time tennis player, and obviously when people see you do your job, you're skilled.




Six years have passed before I realize it. I've learned a lot in the past few years. I've been working hard and my grades are very good.

My Chinese and English are very good, but I have problems in learning mathematics, I will improve my learning method, I should understand my parents, they give me too much love, I will try my best to do something for them as a return, I want to become a useful person to the society.





Six years have passed before I realize it. I have learned a lot in the past few years. I've been working hard and my grades are very good.

My Chinese and English are very good, but I have problems in learning mathematics, I will improve my learning method, I should understand my parents, they give me too much love, I will try my best to do something for them as a return, I want to become a useful person to the society.





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