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关于”心目中的同学“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Students in mind。以下是关于心目中的同学的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students in mind

My father is a hero in my heart. He is an ordinary person, but he is very special in my heart. He is brave, diligent and responsible.

I am afraid of mice. My father will stand up and help me to drive it out. It's interesting to see him fighting with the mouse.

He not only cares about me, but also takes care of my grandparents. He is very happy to do this, and never complains about his work or his work Very hard. Sometimes my uncle and my father work together and praise him in front of me.

My father is my hero. I want to be a man like him when I grow up.




After reading the story of Lei Feng, when I captured the great communist soldier, how about doing good deeds? His heroic deeds are widely known and learned. His spirit inspires the healthy growth of the young generation. He is a worthy era.

Lei Feng was born in a poor peasant family. He was an orphan after liberation under the age of 7. Under the influence of the party and the government, he is a glorious one The Communist of Lei Feng, a soldier of the PLA, deeply felt that Chairman Mao gave him happiness in his life.

He was sent to school, so he grew up. He has unlimited feelings for the Communist Party. Where he will fight, he is a good son of the working people and an excellent Communist Party member of the Communist Party of China.

Although there is no conspiracy, what he has done inspires Lei Feng in the spirit of diligence, thrift and thrift There is a good thing. His story has been told for three days and three nights. Lei Feng said: "a person's life is limited, but I will devote my limited life to serve the people infinitely." Lei Feng said this, not only on his lips but also on his lips: he was sick, he insisted on helping build the construction group.

He said: "we are building socialism, I like everyone, do my own duty, but also heavy Lei Feng usually doesn't drink soda water, but in most places where floods happen, Lei Feng usually saves all the money. Lei Feng likes reading books. No matter how busy he is every day, he will read a little.

He said, "some people say that work is busy and studying. I think learning time is good. The problem is whether we are crowded and willing to drill a piece of wood There are no eyes, but why can we drive a nail? Therefore, it is very difficult to get in the nail.

The nail has two advantages: one is crowding, the other is Zunjin. We are learning to advocate "also nail my hero spirit, squeeze hard" Lei Feng's life. With his "nail" spirit, we study Marxism hard and devote my limited life to serve the people infinitely.

Mao Zedong thought In the new century, Lei Feng, who has devoted himself wholeheartedly and selflessly and is ecstatic, should study hard and carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng. Lei Feng, who "nailed the nail, grew up, made contributions to the people and contributed to the motherland", has taken over the Lei Feng gun in the new century. We should be Lei Feng.

"Lei Feng is an example we will always learn from, and his spirit will surely live on.".




(hero in my heart) there is a hero in everyone's heart. Maybe he is a rescuer, maybe he is a good spirit animal. I can't forget a person who helped a lot of people.

His name is Lei Feng. I think he is a good man. I don't understand why he is so friendly, but I really know that he is my hero.

I respect him very much and I will do my best As far as I can, I want to be the second Lei Feng.




标签: 九年级 作文 真题 同学 年级

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