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关于”成功的机遇“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Opportunities for success。以下是关于成功的机遇的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Opportunities for success

Opportunities don't come very often. They come, go and pass quietly. Therefore, when opportunities come, you should cherish and treat them carefully.

It brings a promise, but it will never be realized. If you want to achieve something, or if you want to achieve your ambition, you have to work hard, work hard, and be prepared otherwise, and when opportunities come to visit you, you don't take advantage of them. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is not only in the way they treat opportunities, successful people are always fully prepared for opportunities.

When opportunities arrive at unsuccessful people in time, on the other hand, I think everyone in society has many opportunities, but only those who are well prepared and have high quality can take advantage of these opportunities to achieve their goals.




2:成功的机会,Opportunity is one of the elements of success, but opportunities don't always appear, and not all of them can bring success. Moreover, opportunities are often disguised as hard work, so most people don't know them. So if you want to achieve success, you must work hard and be prepared.

Otherwise, in my opinion, when opportunities come to you, you will not take advantage of them. In our society, everyone has many opportunities, but only those who are well prepared and talented can Use these opportunities to get there.




3:成功的机遇,Opportunities and success opportunities are one of the elements of success, but opportunities do not often appear, not all opportunities can bring success. What's more, opportunities are often disguised as hard work, so most people don't realize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must try to be prepared, otherwise you will not take advantage of opportunities.

In my opinion, everyone in our society has many opportunities, but only those who are well prepared and talented can use these opportunities to achieve their goals.




标签: 考研 英文 作文 万能

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