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关于”人类对地球的贡献“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Human contribution to the earth。以下是关于人类对地球的贡献的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Human contribution to the earth

Today, there is only one earth on earth. Due to the wanton destruction of human beings, her beautiful appearance has been full of problems. She is also a beautiful planet with rich resources on that day.

In the hands of ignorant people, it has become closer and closer to our mother river, the Yellow River. Its surging momentum has conquered every Chinese descendant at that time. Who would have thought that the Yellow River washed away every day In addition, the vegetation in the upper reaches of the Yellow River is very rare.

In addition, a large number of human felling, the rare vegetation bolts are a piece of red water. They dissolve into the turbulent river water, not only the river becomes dry, but also, because of a large number of sediment deposition, the river bed, resulting in flooding, river dried up, mother lost the beautiful existence of the past, therefore, protect the forest green home Garden, a modern civilization with great responsibility, has brought happiness to human beings. However, behind the civilization, one air pollution problem after another, water pollution has become a problem that can not be ignored.

Sewage and waste gas discharged from factories have caused serious water and air pollution. Today, it is difficult to find a completely polluted river. Now it is hot weather every day Due to the destruction of the earth's surface atmosphere, the atmosphere can not completely resist the damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which has brought us a serious health threat.

In the face of the harsh living environment of the earth, let's take action to save the earth now.




Dear mayor: I am a middle school student. I am writing this letter to tell you that there are many left behind children around us. Their parents are working in other places.

Most of them come from rural areas. You know, they have many problems. They always feel lonely and stressed because they lack the love of their parents.

They are easy to make mistakes and even do some illegal things Because they lack family care. In my opinion, the government can set up parents' schools for these children on holidays. You can organize "Handan mountain" activities to call on more people to help them.

You can also raise money to donate to these children. As the song says, "if everyone gives their love, the world will become better." it is very important for us to pay more attention to these children, If we want to build a harmonious society, I sincerely wish you, Li Hua.




The earth is our only home in the universe. If we don't protect it from now on, when the environment is damaged, we will have nowhere to see what we have done to our motherland. We emit too much exhaust gas, our atmosphere is no longer clear and healthy.

In many big cities, we can hardly see the bright blue sky. We try our best to find them with the resources we can, And then turn them into garbage, which takes up more and more space in our airplanes. It also pollutes the water.

Other creatures are suffering from our mistakes. Some are extinct. Some people will die in the future.

All of us must do something to protect our earth. Take buses instead of private cars. The goods are made of recyclable materials.

Any way we can take in our daily life will benefit our better future.




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