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关于”中秋节月亮“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Mid Autumn Festival moon。以下是关于中秋节月亮的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mid Autumn Festival moon

The Mid Autumn Festival is an important Chinese harvest festival. The Mid Autumn Festival is held on the fourth day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. There are some traditions in this festival.

For example, people will have a big dinner with their families after dinner. They often see the full moon. Another tradition of the Mid Autumn Festival is to eat moon cakes.

Mooncakes are indispensable on that day, which means that with the passage of time, there are many kinds of mooncakes, but they are much more expensive than before. I like the mid autumn festival because my family will get together on that day for a big dinner.





We can eat a lot of delicious Chinese food on the Mid Autumn Festival table. We can see a lot of delicious fish on the Mid Autumn Festival table. Cheers, cheers, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

We make a wish to each other in the evening. The moon is usually round and bright and looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon cake.

We can eat moon cake. On the Mid Autumn Festival, we and I The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat moon cakes on this day.

Most families have dinner together to celebrate the festival. As the saying goes, "the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest." many people who live far away want to go back home and get together. How happy it is to watch moon cakes with their families.




The legend of the goddess of the moon began after the great flood in Xixia BC. King Yu of many kingdoms was believed to have prevented the flood and taught farmers how to cultivate their land, thus starting a prosperous era. At the same time, in heaven, the Jade Emperor wanted to help farmers feed animals and he told his ten sons to become ten suns, one by one, across the sky One day, ten young people disobeyed.

They came out every day. The heat of the ten suns at the same time made the earth unbearable. People and animals died of the heat.

The rivers dried up. The land became barren. The forest was charred and charred.

The farmers prayed. Sacrifices and incense were burned to heaven. The jade emperor heard their prayers and saw the damage caused by his sons He sent his bravest God Hou Yi to the earth to solve the problem of ten suns and ended Hou Yi's disaster.

The brave God and his beautiful wife, Chang'e, loved each other deeply. They were called holy couple. Chang'e didn't like the idea of going down to earth, but she didn't want to be separated from her husband.

So they went down to earth together and became mortals in the eastern clan.




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