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关于”求适者生存“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Survival of the fittest。以下是关于求适者生存的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest survival rate survival of the fittest is not only about survival training in the field of survival value, fashion is a survival existence from the ancient ceremony. There is no doubt that ignoring, admitting to exist, obtaining a happy existence, maintaining the unstable existence of a family, pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.




To be or not to be, to be or not to be is a question. Hamlet: go, or it's not the question: is it more noble in mind to endure the slingshot and arrows of fate, or to take up arms against the vast troubles, to oppose the end of their death, to stop sleeping, to end their heartache with a sleep, and the veritable natural shock borne by the body is a kind of consummation, a devout wish to die and sleep, or go Dream: Alas, there is a curse in the sleep of death, because when we wash away the coil of this mortal, what dream will appear? We must stop, have a kind of respect, make such a long life disaster, who is willing to bear the whip, as well as the contempt of time, the mistakes of oppressors, the frustration of proud people, the pain of contempt for love, the delay of law, and unreasonable The official position, as well as the unworthy merit, when he himself can use a bare dwarf to quiet, they will endure their murmuring and sweating under the tired life. But the fear of something after death, the undiscovered country, its beno traveler, from there, confuses our will and makes us prefer to endure what we suffer Those diseases that do not want to fly to people we don't know our conscience do make us all cowardly.

Therefore, the inherent color of the solution becomes morbid by the pallor of thought. At this point, the trend of enterprises of great significance becomes wrong and loses the name of action::,,.




To a large extent, the life history of the earth is a history of the interaction between living things and the surrounding environment. Considering the whole time span of the earth, the forms and habits of the earth's vegetation and animal life are shaped by the environment, and vice versa. There, life has actually changed the surrounding environment.

In the past quarter century, human beings have gained great power to change the nature of the world This kind of power is not only becoming more and more powerful, but also has changed in nature. Among all the attacks on the environment by human beings, the most shocking is the pollution of air and earth. Rivers and oceans contain dangerous and even fatal substances.

Most of these pollution are irrecoverable in the current widespread environmental pollution. Chemical substances are the evil radiation agents that change the nature of the world It has not been used for thousands of years, but it has not been used for thousands of years. I think we've given toxic and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately to people who are bigger or have no idea of their potential harm, and we've already suffered a lot of harm.

I think we've come into contact with these poisons without their consent and often without their knowledge, and we've allowed them to be used without prior investigation Their effects on soil, water and wildlife are unlikely to be forgiven by our own descendants for our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world, which supports all life.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 年级

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