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关于”写一遍运动“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write the exercise again。以下是关于写一遍运动的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write the exercise again

Everyone has the obligation to protect the environment. There is only one earth. I love the earth, the home where we live, the green mountains and waters, the green mountains and green waters.

In the final analysis, human protection of the environment is based on the protection of the increasingly exhausted resources on the earth and the conditions for our survival and development. When the industrial civilization enters the century, the more it damages the environment In order to protect the environment, the government has taken a lot of environmental protection measures and made great progress, which has become the consensus of today's human society. When it comes to environmental protection, almost no one will openly oppose it.

However, there is still a lot of work waiting for me to consciously protect the environment and resources for a long time To do this, I think the most important thing is to establish the awareness of environmental protection. Specifically, it is to establish the awareness of resources and survival, so that we can know how to protect the environment and resources. Each of us is closely linked.

Protecting the environment is not only related to the ability of future generations, but also has a direct bearing on the survival of human society today As I am the only one who protects the environment, I am not a lax and troublesome person. It is an important responsibility for government departments to be responsible for environmental protection. However, every unit, every enterprise and everyone should bear more direct and specific responsibilities.

As long as we start from ourselves, start from small things, and strive to maintain them, we will certainly do so. Of course, for the society, we are here for myself Little by little, the students in Beijing have put forward many good suggestions for us. Do we need any other hesitation.




Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is very busy on weekends.

He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. This Saturday afternoon, he is going to the zoo. This Sunday morning, he is going to buy a book.

He is going to study Kung Fu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening.




My lifestyle is different. People have different lifestyles. They do the same thing from morning till night.

Usually, they write their plans on paper, but sometimes they remember what they will do. I also have my own lifestyle. Good.

I get up early on weekdays and do school things, but on weekends, I never get up early. Sometimes I sleep in bed until lunch time, One day I went to bed late. It was a weekday.

The clock rang six thirty, but I didn't hear me lying in bed until seven o'clock. I watched the clock jump out of bed and onto the floor. I was scared.

Oh, my God, I'm going to be late. I called out, so I didn't have breakfast. I put on my shoes and a taxi and went to school that day.

I was lucky that I didn't come to school that day. I was very happy that I was not late for school I think I should get up early on weekdays or I'll be late. I believe you get up early on weekdays.

Have a good trip.




标签: 小学 高分 作文

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