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关于”军训有必要“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Military training is necessary。以下是关于军训有必要的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Military training is necessary

The arrival of September means the beginning of the new semester. Many freshmen come to the campus. The first thing they do is to go to military training.

Some people question military training. They think it is unnecessary. In my opinion, students don't have to be soldiers.

Military training needs military training. Military training can cultivate strong willed students. Most students live with their parents before they go to school Under the protection, they don't have much life experience.

Military training is hard. In the process of training, students can endure hard time to adapt to the coming life. Military training can teach students to abide by the rules.

As we all know, the duty of soldiers is to obey orders. So students will have the awareness of abiding by the rules when they come to study. They know what they should do and what they should refuse.

There is no doubt that military training is very important, though difficult, which is good for students.




Students must have many kinds of examinations. Some students think it is very important for them to know their learning situation after the examination, which enables them to review what they have learned on time and study harder and harder, so as to get a higher score in the case of failure in the examination. They will not lose heart, they will find out what is wrong with their learning method and try their best Catch up with the best students, but other students think that the examination is not important.

They think that it is not good for some students to study only for the examination, and some students give up participating in activities that are conducive to their obtaining knowledge from books.




Students must have many kinds of examinations. Some students think it is very important for them to know their learning situation after the examination, which enables them to review what they have learned on time and study harder and harder, so as to get a higher score in the case of failure in the examination. They will not lose heart, they will find out what is wrong with their learning method and try their best Catch up with the best students, but other students think that the examination is not important.

They think that it is not good for some students to study only for the examination, and some students give up participating in activities that are conducive to their obtaining knowledge from books.




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