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关于”最难忘的事情“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing。以下是关于最难忘的事情的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most unforgettable thing

Before my sister was born, I would probably never forget everything she had gone through. I knew that a newborn child would be so small and wrinkled, but she was like an angel to see her, and I felt my heart warm immediately. I couldn't forget the moment I saw her.




September 9 every year is a special festival in China. Today, I will give this article as a special gift to an unforgettable teacher. He has changed my life, because we know that a good teacher decides the future of a person's life.

When we meet a good old teacher, maybe I'm a lucky pupil. I'm very naughty. The teacher doesn't like me because I don't study hard They said I couldn't do anything when I grew up.

I felt inferior and began to give up learning. Fortunately, a new teacher came to change my life. He was a tall middle-aged man.

The mole next to his mouth looked very strict at first. I was afraid of him. I didn't dare to talk to him.

Even though I saw him from a distance, I just took a detour because I was a bad boy, but the new teacher didn't think so So he tried to talk to me to encourage me, because [when he found out] I didn't like doing exercises, he bought me some books. At first, I was not ready to accept his kindness, but when I knew that he could only support the whole family on his salary and was very poor, I was shocked. Since then, I studied harder than ever before, I wanted to show them what I could do when I grew up.

My teacher gave me more and more things. We finally became good friends, but unfortunately, the teacher died of cancer. When I heard the news of his death, I cried bitterly.

He (he) gave me a second life in school, helping me to stand up after falling down, but I can't see him again. I don't even have his picture. I'm really sad.

I don't know what's going on. In order to repay my teacher today and every teacher's day, I stand in front of my desk and look at the books he bought for me and thank him in the happy Teacher's day. I really hope he can hear me as before.

I will never forget him who once saved a child.





On the way of my growth, there is an unforgettable thing that I will never forget the experience. I seem to have grown up a lot. Last year, on the new year's Eve, my classmates sent greeting cards to each other.

They wrote their own blessings and sent them to good friends. I was also infected by this atmosphere. I was ready to join the crowd.

Suddenly, I saw a student sitting there alone, which was not famous "Mischievous king" Liu Kai, but now, he seems to have changed. How to get it? I looked at him puzzled. Suddenly, I woke up because no one sent him a card, and no one told him his wish.

I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. So I handed him a card and said, "happy holidays" to him. He looked at me and looked at the card and happily said, "thank you." his eyes were full Happy he stood up and said: I also have a beautiful card looking at him, I smile how important it is.




标签: 小学 高分 作文

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