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关于”疫情中国外交“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:China's diplomacy。以下是关于疫情中国外交的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:China's diplomacy

William Haig has been an extraordinary year as Britain and the Commonwealth celebrated her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, and Her Majesty's visit to the foreign and Commonwealth Office today is her last engagement in the jubilee. Britain also welcomed the world during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This year, the diversity, innovation and creativity of British people have brought us many challenges.

However, we should continue to work hard to make the world safer, fairer and more prosperous. I look forward to the ambitious agenda that we have set as the G8 chair and prime minister, and at this time of year for us and our partners, we need to remember in particular those who are going to spend this festival in the conflict zone, and we are saddened by the suffering of the Syrian people and the long suffering they face. Britain will continue to seek peaceful solutions, and I want to thank all those who have worked so hard to protect the rest of the world, including our soldiers and women, and I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.





Foreign films can be divided into several categories. Different types will have different differences. I know that China is the central director system, and the United States is the producer centered system.

This determines the main form of Chinese film director's thought. While American films are more about watching films, and so on, in order to cater to the audience and make more commercial films.




Smart phones have become an indispensable device in our life. We can use smart phones to keep in touch with friends and relatives, and even many businesses use it to do big business. As a huge demand for this technology, more brands have been presented to consumers, which surprised everyone.

Chinese brands have always been favored by foreign consumers. There is no doubt that every time it is launched, Chinese brands have been favored by foreign consumers New products, Apple will be favored by Chinese teenagers. Many young people are infatuated with Apple products.

They are proud to have an iPhone. But with the development of domestic brands, oppo and Huawei have occupied the mobile phone market. In some countries, we can see that oppo and Huawei's advertisements are everywhere.

Foreign customers have a high evaluation of domestic smartphones. They are willing to We want to buy an oppo instead of an iPhone, because oppo is much cheaper and has good functions. When we were obsessed with foreign products, our domestic products sold well in the foreign market.

Foreign media criticized China for copying technology, but now we are confident to fight back.




标签: 中国 作文 真题 专业 疫情

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