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关于”写人的上册“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write the first volume of people。以下是关于写人的上册的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write the first volume of people

My best friend introduced himself. He has short hair but long cilia. He is a friendly student.

He never quarrels with others, so he is very popular. In a word, Tom is a good student. Introduce myself.

I live in Wuhan city. I study very well. I have a brother.

Everyone loves us. But they often compare my brother with me I'm very angry. I don't want to be my brother.

I just want to be myself. I'm an active boy. I like sports very much.

I'm good at swimming. I also like cycling. Because my home is far away from school.

I ride to school every day. I'm very kind. If you need help, please come to me.

I'll try my best to help you. I hope we can be friends. Appearance: beautiful, beautiful , good-looking, ugly, cute / cute, light, sexy, charming, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, rough (adj Build slim and slim overweight medium build short tall medium build face: round thin rectangle she has eaten too much these days, so her face is covered with round hair: straight hair, curly braids, bald (character / nature) sensitive, easygoing, introverted ['intr ə V ɜ: TID] adjacency to outgoing ekstr ə V ɜ: SIV] adjustment.


我最好的朋友自我介绍,他有一头短发,但有很长的纤毛,而且他是一个友好的学生,从不和别人吵架,所以他也很受欢迎,总之,汤姆是一个很好的学生自我介绍我自己,我住在武汉市,我学习很好我有一个哥哥每个人都爱我们但是他们经常拿我哥哥和我比较这让我很生气我不想像我哥哥我只想做我自己我是一个活跃的男孩我非常喜欢运动我擅长游泳我也喜欢骑自行车因为我家离学校很远,我每天骑车上学我很善良如果你需要帮助的话,请来找我我我会尽我所能给你帮助我希望我们能成为朋友外表:(外表)漂亮,漂亮,好看,难看可爱/可爱的老年轻性感迷人,甜美,帅气,搞笑,丑陋,粗犷(adj build肥瘦苗条超重中等身材身材身材矮小高个子身材中等身材的脸:圆瘦的长方形她这几天吃得太多了,所以她的脸上长满了圆圆的头发:发型笔直卷曲的小辫子秃头(性格/天性)敏感,随和活跃,内向['intrəvɜ:tid]邻接外向的ekstrəvɜ:siv]调整。


2:写第一卷《人》,This is a very popular person. Most people like him. He is not young, about years old, but he looks a little funny.

He has a round face, round eyes, a big mouth and short black hair. He likes to tell jokes and make people laugh. Do you know who he is? He is Mr.

Bean. There are three people in Jim's family. Mr.

Green is his father. He is very fat and has short straight hair. He is wearing glasses.

He is watching TV. His mother is It's Mrs. Green.

She's a woman of medium height. She has curly hair. She's cleaning the room.

Jim is very thin. He's playing ball. They're all happy.

Straight hair and glasses. My family. This is my family.

My grandmother, my father, my mother and my grandmother have short white hair. She looks beautiful. My father has short black hair and small eyes.

He looks fat, so I've learned He is often called fat. He works in a factory. My mother works in a factory.

My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and tourism. So I often go to sports with my mother on holidays.

My family often travel. I study in Guiyuan primary school. We are very happy that my father is a kind man.

He is not very tall, but he is a man of perseverance. He works very hard with him The service is highly appreciated. My father is a dedicated person.

He gets up in the morning and makes breakfast for us at night. He is always late when he comes home on weekends. He always drives us to outings.

He is a man of few words, but he often says to me, "a little study is a dangerous thing." I will always remember these words. I love my father very much, my parents and I am a student My mother and I have a small family. Now, let me tell you something about my parents.

My father is a driver. He is good at mathematics. He likes watching NBA.

He doesn't like singing. My mother is also the Secretary of the factory. She likes listening to music.

She usually goes to work early. She is a good wife. I love my parents.

They love me too. Too NBA o (∩) O.


这是一个很受欢迎的人大多数人喜欢他他不年轻,大约岁左右,但他看起来有点滑稽他有一个圆脸圆眼睛,一个大嘴巴和短黑发他喜欢讲笑话,让人发笑你知道他是谁吗他是豆子先生吉姆家有三个人格林先生是他的父亲他很胖很矮直发他戴着眼镜他在看电视他妈妈是格林太太她是一个中等身材的女人她有卷发她在打扫房间吉姆很瘦他在玩球他们都很开心直发戴眼镜我的家人这是我的家人我家有四个人我的祖母,我的父亲,我妈妈和我奶奶有一头白色的短发她看起来很漂亮我父亲有黑色短发和小眼睛他看起来很胖,所以我经常叫他胖子他在一家工厂工作我妈妈在一家工厂工作我妈妈有一头黑色的长发她喜欢运动和旅游,所以我经常在假期和妈妈一起去运动我的家人经常去旅游我在贵园小学学习我们很高兴我父亲是一个善良的人他不是很高但他是一个有毅力的人他工作非常努力和他的服务是高度赞赏我的父亲是一个有奉献精神的人每天早上他起床最早晚上给我们做早餐,周末回家总是迟到,他总是开车带我们去郊游他是个寡言少语的人,但他经常对我说“一点点学习是一件危险的事”我会永远记住这些话我非常爱我的父亲我的父母我是一个学生我有一个小家庭爸爸,妈妈和我现在,让我告诉你一些关于我父母的事我父亲是一个司机他擅长数学他喜欢看NBA他不喜欢唱歌我妈妈也是她是工厂的秘书她喜欢听音乐她通常起得很早就去上班她是个好妻子我爱我的父母他们也爱我,太NBA O(∩∩)O。


3:写人的上册,The Mid Autumn Festival the Mid Autumn Festival is the eighth day of the eighth lunar month. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been very popular in China. No matter how far or how busy we are, we will try our best to go home to celebrate.

The moon looks the brightest on that night. What we love most is that we enjoy the full moon and the beautiful moon in the sky. We sit together and eat moon cakes and fruits In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices, such as travel and visiting relatives and friends.




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