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关于”自然文化“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Natural culture。以下是关于自然文化的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Natural culture

Man and nature live in harmony, and man and nature are interactive forces. Looking back at the long history, we can find that the harmony between man and nature existed at that time. Nature is a pure land to be cultivated.

Human beings who sow and harvest respect nature and are a part of nature. People today seem to be masters of nature. When we destroy the order of the natural world, nature is torn to pieces, and we are the ultimate victims, because nature is seeking revenge.

The disappearing forests, the dry rivers, the polluted soil and the deteriorating climate are all punished. Greedy human beings, we get too much from nature, but have too little expectation for the future. When we gain rationality, we remember When the citizens of the world persevere in protecting nature, nature will become our friends, not our slaves or servants.

People can live in harmony with nature, have commitment, work hard and new technology.




Harmonious coexistence between man and nature is the only way for economic and social development to a certain extent and at a certain stage. It is an inevitable choice for human beings after summing up experiences and lessons. With the passage of time, the population has increased dramatically, the accumulation of human experience and knowledge, and the development of science and technology.

Especially after the industrial revolution, human transformation of nature has affected the ability of natural growth Human beings can change the natural order, make the natural world for their own purposes and dominate the natural world. However, we must bear in mind that man's control over nature is not standing outside nature. To build a harmonious campus, we should establish a harmonious relationship between students, pay attention to the difficulties among students, help them feel warm, maintain a good attitude of harmonious campus, treat people with tolerance and use The sincere heart sincerely changes another person's heart, causes the student to get along harmoniously, thus creates the harmonious relations.




Nature, the environment on which human beings depend for survival, is magnificent and unique. There is only one earth in the universe with extraordinary living conditions. We should cherish and protect nature, but we continue to destroy it.

Now let's take a look at our present situation. Thousands of trees are felled every year, causing soil erosion. In the past decade, hundreds of thousands of tons of CFCS have been left in the air, causing the leakage of the ozone layer over Antarctica, which is equivalent to one million tons in the United States.

Fuel containing nitrogen and sulfur is consumed every year, which eventually leads to acid rain all over the world.




标签: 八年级 作文 真题 年级 文化

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