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关于”感恩父母的题目“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Thanksgiving to parents。以下是关于感恩父母的题目的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thanksgiving to parents

Everyone should have a grateful life, we have a grateful life, we have a grateful life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, community Thanksgiving, if like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to my parents, they let me come to this colorful world, they spare no effort to support me, grow up and succeed in their harvest, I am very happy to be with me I am encouraged, I am encouraged, exhortation is loud, looking forward to a report. My parents' painstaking efforts flow through my whole body from time to time. If you are only grateful to your parents, they may be too narrow-minded.

We also hope to live a grateful life. As long as you are grateful, your life will be happy and fair. She will not cheat you, as long as you Pay, there will always be a return, although sometimes smooth, sometimes there are countless songs, even if sometimes laugh, even sometimes sad and depressed, this is life, give us hot and sour salt, give us flowers and sunshine, no matter what kind of situation, Thanksgiving should live there, or in colorful at the same time, we should also thank everyone around, thank you Those who encourage you, because he brings you strength, appreciate your help, because he tells us what gratitude for giving spur is, because he eliminates your karma, thanks to those who hurt you, because of his temper, your mind thanks to those who cheat you, because he improves your knowledge to thank those who abandon you, because you have to teach him a sense of self-reliance Stimulate your travel, because he enhanced your ability to learn, do not know how a person breathes, not like a fish can survive the moment of Thanksgiving, to know a person, just like bees meet flowers, encounter desert oasis, like horses face-to-face, in the world so beautiful with thanksgiving heart, singing in front of the world "grateful heart, thank you, use The ups and downs of "my life".




Since we were born, many people have helped us a lot. We should be grateful for their kindness, but what we should be most grateful for is our parents, who showed up in their lives from our first day. They gave us all their love and care, but never expect anything in return.

As long as they are around us, we will not feel any difficulties because of him We are always in front of our shelter to prevent us from facing difficulties and dangers. In order to make our life better and learn better, they try their best to create the best conditions for us, but ignore their needs. Therefore, we should cherish the love of our parents and repay their nurturing kindness.

We should treat them as we do.




One day more than ten years ago, our parents welcomed us with tears, smiles and happiness. But when we came to this world, our parents had more heavy work to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, our parents did not complain.

I was brought up to give us a comfortable living environment. They always worked so hard I always take this problem for granted because I don't understand the hard work that my parents don't know. When I grow up, I know to thank my parents with a grateful heart and take good care of them.

Your parents' responsibility is that on the day when I just finished my birthday, the first Thanksgiving I thought of was for my parents, because my parents only gave me opportunities Will go to taste the world's colorful and happiness, enjoy the happiness and happiness of life, is they gave me life, give me every possible care, let me and my children happy, the happiest is the parents, children with depression, it is the parents licking the calf love, parents love, in simple terms, therefore, regardless of parents' social status, knowledge level and other qualities such as He, they are our greatest benefactor in this life, are worthy of our love, forever students can not say their own blessing, but for parents, the voice of a blessing better than anything, are unforgettable, enough to make them cry.




标签: 专升本 英文 高分 作文 父母

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