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关于”当医生“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Be a doctor。以下是关于当医生的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be a doctor

Becoming a doctor: there are many choices: the medical profession offers a wide range of choices. Human contact: if you like to help and take care of others, and have good interpersonal communication skills, then this career gives you more than job satisfaction and constant stimulation: with the continuous progress of medical science, learning how to treat diseases and save lives more effectively It's infinite. Being a doctor gives you the dual role of being a doctor.




The benefits of being a doctor: many choices: a career in medicine offers a wide range of choices. Human contact: if you like to help and take care of others and have good interpersonal skills, then this career gives you more than just job satisfaction. Because of medicine, learning how to treat diseases more effectively and save lives is limitless Being a doctor gives you a dual role to be a doctor.




Everyone has a dream for their future. My dream is to be a journalist. I have been working hard in China and Britain for a long time.

A journalist can go to different places, meet different people and experience different things. He can enjoy his life. At the same time, as a journalist, he can help others It's much easier.

This job will have a great impact on people's way of thinking and life style. With this dream, I will try my best to learn knowledge. Journalist is my ideal job in the future.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 真题

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