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Different countries have different etiquette. If you are invited to an American friend's house for dinner, you'd better follow the following rules first. You should arrive on time.

You know, in the United States, it's neither too early nor too late for people to go to dinner next time. If you like, you don't have to bring gifts, you can bring some fruit, candy or flowers. It won't cost a lot of money, and finally you won't give money to put it on Comfortable clothes you don't need to wear too much for gentlemen.

Neckties and jackets are suitable for ladies, dresses or sweaters and skirts. If you are not sure what to wear, you can always ask the host. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself.

No host likes to see nervous guests.




Surprisingly, for Britons who like to queue, there is no formal way to line up. Bar staff are very good at knowing whose turn it is. You can try to attract people's attention, but there are some rules on how to do this: don't call for coins from the water on the counter, tap your fingers or wave like a drowning swimmer, don't frown, sigh or roll your eyes, whatever you do, don't ring the bell hanging behind the counter, which is used by landlords The key to closing time is to hold the bar staff in the eye.

You can also hold an empty cup or some money, but don't wave to them. Show expectation, hope, and even a little anxiety. If you're too complacent with the bartender, you'll be complacent.

Always say "please" and try to remember some of the most annoying things about British bar staff. They don't like people waiting for people to wait while they're dressing up. They don't like people standing around the bar doing nothing when there are a lot of customers in need of service.

They don't like people waiting until the end of the order to ask for drinks like Guinness stout, which takes a long time to pour A Dutch tourist spent six months in a British pub, interviewed the owner and staff, and more customers said, "I don't understand how the British buy their own wine", but they did. If you follow these suggestions, you should be able to do it. You shouldn't tip the bar staff in cash It's to give them a drink, to be proud of their equal atmosphere, to give them cash tips to remind them of their service role, and to provide drinks is a friendly gesture.



总是说“请”,并试着记住一些英国酒吧员工最讨厌的事,他们不喜欢别人在他们化妆时让别人等着他们不喜欢有很多顾客需要服务时,人们就站在吧台旁边无所事事,他们也不喜欢有人等到点菜结束才要求喝像吉尼斯烈性啤酒这样的饮料,这种饮料的倒酒时间要比其他饮料长得多 一位荷兰游客在英国的酒吧呆了六个月采访了酒吧老板和酒吧工作人员,还有更多的顾客说:“我不明白英国人是怎么给自己买酒的”,但他们确实做到了,如果你遵循这些建议,你也应该能够做到,你不应该给酒吧工作人员现金小费正确的行为是给他们一杯酒酒吧为他们的平等氛围感到骄傲现金小费是提醒他们的服务角色,而提供饮料是一种友好的姿态。


Table manners were discovered by Martha Stewart in his exploration of Africa in the th century - they are a collection of universal social norms carved on a granite block in the rift valley, with the highest point measuring cm, cm wide and cm thick, named Rosetta Stone - the origin of stone remains a mystery, although for decades, King Winston of England (Churchill) discovered in a binge that although there seems to be some kind of human behind it, the inscriptions on the stone tablet are completely clear and recognizable because the reader has been drunk since then. Table manners have shaped the global hotel industry, and the fork should be held in your hand, no matter who you are. If you are dexterous in both hands, you can't hold a fork.

The only exception is that it applies to a knife without a knife A spoon can be held in either hand unless there is no spoon (Note: in Britain, it is considered a fatal offence to have only one spoon with a hat on it. The number of spoons should be odd, and knives and forks should be even. The total number of items on a table should not exceed the total number of tables.

Please note that beans must be counted as individual items. Ice cream is intolerable because it melts and destroys emotions.


餐桌礼仪是玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)在世纪对非洲的探险中发现的——它们是一个普遍的社会规范的集合,刻在大裂谷的一块花岗岩上,最高点测量厘米,宽厘米,厚厘米,被命名为罗塞塔石(Rosetta Stone)——石头的起源至今仍是个谜尽管几xx年来,英国国王温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)在一次狂饮中发现,尽管它背后似乎有某种人类,但由于读者自那时起醉酒过度,石碑上的铭文完全清晰可辨餐桌礼仪已经塑造了全球酒店业,叉子应该握在手上,不管你是谁,如果你是两手灵巧的你不能拿叉子唯一的例外是没有刀子的时候同样适用于刀子勺子可以用任何一只手拿着,除非没有勺子(注意:在英国,只有一个勺子戴着帽子被认为是一种致命的罪过,勺子的数量应该是奇数,以及刀叉,建议使用偶数,一张桌子上的物品总数不能超过桌子的总数不能超过。请注意,豆子必须算作单个物品。冰淇淋是不能容忍的,因为它会融化,破坏情绪。


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