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关于”我的改变叙写“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My change narrative。以下是关于我的改变叙写的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My change narrative

Life is like water. People have to adapt to the environment. If you can't change the environment and change yourself, only in this way can we overcome more difficulties and setbacks.

We can realize that if you can't see your shortcomings and shortcomings, you will only blame the bad environment. If you want to change your hope in the changing environment, it is to whip a dead horse.




Since I was in high school, my parents moved to the city close to my school. Moving to a new environment meant that I had to give up a lot of things, such as my dear old friends and beautiful scenery. I learned to adapt to the strange environment.

When I had time, I would walk on the Street, try to get familiar with the shops and streets, and then I found some interesting places, such as coffee I can read books there. The shop provides a lot of books because I don't have many friends. I feel lonely here, but my classmates are very good.

They help me solve problems. Now I have made a lot of good friends. I feel at home in this big place.

I will find more surprises here.




But now, I and I spend more time on studying English than on my homework Things are getting better. I'm interested in reading and writing. I think the more good books I read, the more knowledge I write.

This is a good way to exercise my thinking and improve my level of writing skills. Besides, I become more independent. I can handle many problems by myself.

I think this is an important change for me.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能

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