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关于”写学校“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write school。以下是关于写学校的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write school

Good morning, my dear teacher and friend. My name is Li Bingke. I'm from class 405 today.

I'm very happy to be here. My theme is our school. My dear friends, welcome to our school.

My school is very beautiful. It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports near the playground.

There is a garden. There are many trees and flowers there, so it is empty The air was so clean that we could hear the birds singing in the trees. It's great.

Our teaching building is surrounded by the garden and looks like our teacher's arm to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor, read story books in the library on the second floor. The classroom is clean and bright on the third floor.

We like to learn computer room in it. On the fifth floor, we can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. We can have lunch in the canteen near the teaching building in Defang.

It's so interesting.




Knowledge or experience guide you can spend a few minutes writing no less than words on the following topic. Some people emphasize book knowledge, others emphasize practical experience, which one is more important? Explain from the book you read or from the personal experience you have gained. In fact, the answer may vary from person to person, and educated young people may emphasize the former Old people may emphasize the latter, but in my opinion, they are equally important.

The experience is priceless. How to be an efficient secretary? How to prepare for your first child to come to the world? We need a lot of experience in our career. Even in academic research, it helps people deal with problems easily and confidently, especially activities and accumulating various experiences Experience is more important.

Experience is limited, but as far as one thing is concerned, time and space are limited. It is impossible for anyone to experience all important events and know all celebrities. On the other hand, due to the rapid development of society, the speed of outdated skills and new problems is unprecedented.

Experience is far from enough. Over reliance on it will only lead to narrow mindedness and prejudice. One way to compensate is to read All kinds of books can bring us infinite fun.

The extra experience in books can not only be traced back to the wisdom of our predecessors, but also keep up with the latest development of science and technology to ensure that it is second-hand experience, but it is an ideal supplement to our own limited experience. Few people can travel around the world or live longer than all of us. Reading books can make a living Many life books, knowledge and personal experience are essential, but experience makes people versatile, book knowledge makes people learn more.

2 studying abroad allows you to spend a few minutes to write an article no less than words on the following topic. Studying abroad costs a lot of money, but even so, it still attracts many young people. If you have a chance, would you like to join them? Why give your reasons.




Different people like different subjects. When I was a student, I often said some English words to me. These words sound good.

I love them very much. After I went to school, I studied English very hard and got good results. I fell in love with it, I often encounter some problems in English, but I always overcome these problems, because I know that where there is a will, there is a way.

I like it very much. He likes my friend. It is very important to me, so I will not give up it.

It is mine.




标签: 雅思 作文 真题 学校

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