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关于”写信的高级“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Senior writer。以下是关于写信的高级的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Senior writer

Many years ago, I watched the movie Harry Potter. I was deeply impressed by Harry Potter, the hero of the magic world. He overcame all the difficulties after watching the film.

I began to read books, which is much better than the film. The writer JK Rowling is such a great woman, she wrote amazing books. Now she is my favorite writer, not only her works She started her writing career very late.

Before she became famous, she was very poor, but she never gave up writing under bad circumstances. She finally became a successful Rowling.




2:资深作家,Since my dream is to be a magician on the stage, with a confident smile, I will bring beauty, mystery and happiness to the audience. Although my dream is not as great as a doctor, I believe that as long as there is a dream, hard work is the best. I hope my dream can be realized by hard work.

I think whether or not to do magic will not bring great happiness to others.




3:写信的高级,Because according to the pie chart, in the past year, the relative size of the main employment sectors in the UK has changed significantly. Among those who have jobs, the proportion of people aged from to who are unemployed is the largest, followed by the service industry, agriculture and fishery sectors. Only a part of the population is employed by the government.

As shown in the figure, the occupation of the working population has changed significantly, which may be Most notably, the proportion of people of working age who are unemployed is much lower, and the relative scale of different occupational sectors has also changed significantly. The industrial sector only accounts for a part of workers, while the largest employment sector is workers in the service sector, and agriculture and fisheries are also declining. This is the case with the government, which has seen a huge growth and employs almost all workers.




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