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关于”我的交游“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My friends。以下是关于我的交游的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My friends

I live in school now, and I will go home on weekends. At first, I thought that living in school could make me concentrate on my study, but the fact was not at noon. When I took pictures, the noise from the construction machinery was too loud.

Our school was under construction, and the workers worked day and night. But I could not sleep well, headache, and without good sleep, I could not concentrate on my study, Some students are playing games in the corridor. They laugh so loud that they don't realize they are disturbing us.

I hope the school can let the workers stop working for two hours at noon. It will be good for the students.




Now, when I was a child, I only listened to my parents play hide and seek games, so I was curious, but I couldn't find any other children to play, because the one child policy in a family made it harder to find a child than to find a child in an empty room. So I asked my parents to play games with me, but my father focused on this. His computer screen and my mother played mobile phones Chatting with her friends is the first time I have experienced it in a game.

My teacher asked us to write something, but she never organized us to play.




As mentioned above, in addition to professional advantages and personal satisfaction, there are many reasons to consider becoming a professional nurse. Nowadays, the demand for registered nurses in the health care market in the United States has never been so high. People from to years old are changing their careers and turning to nursing.

They found that when they have received training and work in another field, they can use their knowledge and training to engage in a new career, which brings them challenges, stability, and sense of accomplishment. As a professional nurse, there are many possibilities. You can use your knowledge and experience in many different aspects to organize a disaster relief work Managing a hospital, educating a community, providing babies, shaping public policies, or making new discoveries.

Doing important research every day is not a routine course. You must always be prepared to think about your own foot examination. Some majors today will find that the problem should not be why you want to be a nurse, but what kind of nurse you want to be.




标签: 英文 作文 专业 满分

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