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关于”健康饮食“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Healthy diet。以下是关于健康饮食的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Healthy diet

There are many restaurants now, but I don't like eating out at all because I think it's usually bad for our health. I eat regularly. I like fruits and vegetables very much.

I think they are good for our health. However, many people like fast food very much, although they all know that this kind of food is harmful to the body, we should eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less fast food, and keep a balanced diet.




(healthy diet) this section details what a healthy diet should include and why each vitamin and mineral is an important part of maintaining health. Most people in this country eat too much fat and don't have enough fiber. For most people, a healthy diet is simple and easy to do, and moving towards a healthy diet may simply mean eating More fruits, vegetables, bread, Cereals, potatoes and pastries are the basic food group.

A healthy diet includes taking all kinds of food from all these foods, but eat bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, noodles and cereal breakfast in the right proportion. Most of these foods contain starch, and if possible, these foods should be the host of every meal Some of them should choose high fiber varieties as far as possible. This kind of food is an excellent source of fiber, which is rich in vitamin B compound fruits and vegetables.

Including all frozen, fresh and canned fruits / vegetables, as well as salad vegetables, these are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber, naturally low in fat and calories, and eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables a day. Here's a guide to how much to eat: * serve small spoonfuls of vegetables, such as sweet corn, peas, or mixed frozen vegetables * whole fruits, such as apples or bananas * medium sized fruit slices such as melons or pineapples * medium fruits such as oranges, plums, or kiwi fruit * small bowls of fruits such as strawberries or grapes * medium sized salads * tomatoes * half a cucumber * a spoonful of green and root vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli, Carrots or parsnips * a cup of juice milk and dairy products milk and dairy products include cheese, yogurt, milk and fromagefrais. They are rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals.

Eat or drink the right amount of these foods every day. These foods are rich in calcium, which is essential for our diet. However, since these foods are also high in saturated fat, we should choose as many as possible Choose low fat food.




I like fried food very much, so one day I will go to KFC to eat hamburger. I learned from the book that fast food is very delicious, but it is not good for our health. Many children get fat because of fast food.

I am afraid of getting fat, so I decide to eat healthy food. Fruits and vegetables are my essential food.




标签: 九年级 作文 年级 满分 饮食

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