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关于”在学校最喜欢的某个地方“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:In one of the school's favorite places。以下是关于在学校最喜欢的某个地方的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In one of the school's favorite places

Our school has many interesting places, such as football field, classroom, laboratory, but my favorite place is the school reading room. After class, the reading room in our school is very big and bright. You can choose one of your favorite books to read.

There are so many books there. You don't know which one to read. First of all, I like reading.

JK Rowling is my favorite writer. I have read it Many times Harry Potter series, but I never feel bored. Reading not only broadens my vision, but also helps me to be a better person.

I can learn different things from these books. When I feel depressed, I will go to the school reading room, and I can forget my troubles when I read my favorite novella.




I like reading books. It enriches my knowledge and helps me understand more about the world I love. Students study together and make progress step by step.

My favorite place is the library. I can read a lot of books here if I have problems. I can find a lot of information and plan details for our goal in the group task of the library.

I have many good memories to learn here It makes me very happy. No matter what school I am in, I will find this quiet corner and learn what I like. I like the feeling there.




My favorite place a lot of people have their favorite places. When they feel sad or bored, they also have their favorite places. I often go to the following three places are my favorite places.

First of all, I like zoos. Animals are magical because some are so cute and some are so ugly. I like to touch them, feed them and watch them We perform.

Museums are cool places with great exhibits and fascinating displays. Just like works of art, the museums there let me know a lot about history and science, from dinosaurs to robots, which I love. Finally, the theme park is an explosion.

I like to go to the wild for fun. I think the roller coaster is the best. Scream and fear? These places always make me happy.

I go to my favorite places once a year. I will find more places when I grow up.


我最喜欢的地方 很多人都有他们最喜欢去的地方,当他们感到悲伤或无聊的时候,他们也有他们最喜欢的地方,我经常去 以下是我最喜欢的三个地方,首先,我喜欢动物园动物很神奇,因为有些是那么可爱,有些是那么丑陋我喜欢抚摸它们,喂他们吃东西,看他们表演。博物馆是很酷的地方,有很好的展品和迷人的展示。就像艺术作品一样,那里的博物馆让我了解了很多历史和科学,从恐龙到机器人,我都喜欢。



标签: 初一 作文 万能 地方 学校

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