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关于”老人与海“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The old man and the sea。以下是关于老人与海的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The old man and the sea

"The old man and the sea" is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. It is likely to become one of the real classic works of this generation, which played a great role in winning the Pulitzer Prize and the novel literature award in, and also confirmed his power and existence in the literary world. Besides the old writer, Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers, man and sea.

I have read one of his works Some other works, such as "the sun also rises", "farewell to arms" and "the snow of Kilimanjaro", but what impresses me most is "the old man and the sea". This novel mainly describes an old man who catches a big fish in a sea fish by himself, binds the fish head and upper body to the boat, but encounters a shark. The old man uses all his strength to fight against the shark fish, and the shark fish can eat it The truth of this book, which weighs about a pound after eating fish, does not tell people how to ignore it.

What I fear most is the lack of confidence. Confidence is like the engine of a car. It is the driving force for people to move forward.

I first read this book when I was 15 years old. Now I remember reading it just like I did yesterday.




"The old man and the sea" is a novella written by Hemingway, a modern American novelist. It is also the author's last published novel. What it experienced aroused strong international repercussions at that time.

It set off a "hot Hemingway" in the literary world. It tells the story of Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, in eighty-four years. He did not catch a fish and finally caught a horse He killed him tied to the side of the boat and was repeatedly attacked by sharks.

When he finally returned to Hong Kong, only when the fish tail and the head of the backbone confirmed Hemingway's unshakable position and outstanding achievements as a great American theorist in the 20th century, the novel won the American and Pulitzer Prize for Literature The Nobel Prize for literature..




This book is about Cuba, an old fisherman named Santiago, who fished alone on the sea, caught an inestimable Marlin in in the days when he had nothing. The old saw had never heard of it. On the boat, there was a big fish longer than his two feet.

The fresh fish was very big. He dragged the boat for three days and three nights, and the old man never experienced it After a difficult test, the big fish was finally stabbed to death, tied to the bow, but unfortunately returned. When the shark came back unfortunately, the old man and the shark fought hard to the end.

The big marlin was still eaten by the shark, and the old man also experienced some hardships. Finally, he dragged home with only a bare skeleton and a fish injury. They still got people's appreciation.




标签: 英文 翻译 高分 三年级 作文

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