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关于”亲情“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:family affection。以下是关于亲情的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:family affection

Great love good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, today I'm going to talk about my family love I remember when I was young, my family lived a simple life, we didn't have any imaginary wealth, but we were satisfied with everything we had our first car was a worn-out bicycle, which provided us with a lot of pleasant transportation on weekends and holidays Mom was sitting in the back, and dad was riding me, a toddler, riding a horse in the bar in front of him. It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we go there together. Soon, my family moved to Hainan with the courage and perseverance of my parents, so they started their own business.

We soon replaced our bicycles with a new car, so that we could continue our hiking. When we travel to many remote places in China, our families are full of happy laughter. Many years have passed since those happy days, but they are still the same intimacy recently.

Airplanes have become our means of transportation. When we go out of China to see the world, we can experience the uniqueness of Amsterdam, the romance of Paris and the elegance of Vienna. However, compared with the love of our family, such a wonderful scenic spot is almost nothing Time goes by quickly, everything is constantly changing, but the love in my family is always the source of our happiness, the source of all our ideals: confidence, courage and faith, but it is much deeper than warming our hearts, so I would like to cheer for the eternal and terrible love in my family and let it continue forever.

You like it very much.


真棒的爱情 下午好女士们先生们, 今天我要谈谈我的家庭爱情 我记得我小的时候,我的家人过着简单的生活,我们没有任何想象中的富有,但我们满足于我们拥有的一切 我们的第一辆车是一辆破旧的自行车,它为我们提供了许多令人愉快的交通工具周末和节假日,妈妈坐在后面,爸爸骑着我,那时还只是个蹒跚学步的孩子,在他前面的酒吧里骑着马。我们去哪儿都无所谓,只要我们一起去那里。不久,我的家人就靠着父母的勇气和毅力搬到海南,于是他们开始了自己的事业,我们很快就把自行车换成了一辆新车,这样我们就可以继续远足了。



I was born in an ordinary family, but I never lack anything in my life. When I encounter difficulties, my family will give me support without hesitation. As long as Chinese people pay special attention to family reunion no matter how far away they are, they will go home to have a good dinner in traditional festivals.

This meal is of great significance to everyone. People will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with each other and strengthen the support with their families. We will become a strong person.

No matter how difficult life is, when we encounter difficulties, we will naturally think about our family. When they give us the motivation to overcome difficulties, if we are tired, go home and father Mother talk, then all the troubles will be forgotten, they have no meaning to you. Close family relationship is the infinite power to guide us to live a positive life.

I cherish all the love they give me.





"Maybe you will forget the people who share their happiness with you, but you will remember those who have tasted tears with you." everyone has many friends, and he must have his own friendship, but usually only when you are in trouble do you know what true friendship is? A friend in need is a true friend. Only a true friend can help you when you are in trouble. If you build a friendship in times of difficulty and let it last forever, maybe a boy and a girl become good friends, they will feel very happy together, but other students may think, if you are one of them, they have fallen in love, if I am in that position, what would you do? I don't care what others will say, I only care about her We should know that our friendship is pure, there is no bad mixture, friendship is very important to everyone, so I will let my friendship last forever.

Everyone should know that if you don't make friends with your heterosexual classmates, you have lost half of your friends, so you can make friends with all your classmates. Don't be shy, you should also treat you Pay enough attention to the established friendship and don't destroy it unless you want to hurt it. You shouldn't do it because if you do, you will lose a lot of emotion.

Please cherish everything you have. Maybe you don't care about it now, but when you lose it, you will find how important it is.


kahlil Girbran“也许你会忘记那些和你分享快乐的人,但是你会记住那些和你一起尝过眼泪的人”kahlil Cirbran每个人都有很多朋友,他也一定有自己的友谊,但通常只有在你遇到麻烦的时候,你知道真正的友谊是什么吗?患难的朋友才是真正的朋友,只有真正的朋友才会在你遇到困难的时候帮助你。如果你在困难时建立友谊,让友谊永远延续下去也许一个男孩和一个女孩成为好朋友,他们在一起时会感到非常幸福,但其他同学可能会认为,如果你是他们中的一员,他们已经坠入爱河,如果我处在那样的位置,你会怎么做,我不会在乎别人会说什么我只在乎她的感觉我们应该知道我们的友谊是纯洁的没有任何不好的混合友谊对每个人都很重要,所以我会让我的友谊天长地久每个人都应该知道,如果你不与你的异性同学交朋友,那么你已经失去了一半的朋友,这样你就可以和所有的同学交朋友了,不要害羞你也应该对你已经建立的友谊给予足够的重视不要破坏它,除非你想伤害他你不应该这样做,因为如果你这样做,你会失去很多情感请珍惜你已经拥有的一切也许你现在不在乎它,但当你失去它时,你会发现它是多么重要。


标签: 四年级 作文 万能 亲情 年级

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