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关于”重选职业的机会“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Opportunities for career re-election。以下是关于重选职业的机会的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Opportunities for career re-election

Therefore, I believe that the most important factor is that the differences in self-confidence, determination and social skills are the basis and conditions for success. Whoever wants to succeed must have confidence, because self-confidence is the basic need for success. Some people always think that they can't or can't do well.

For example, when a person is in an interview, if he does not believe that he can do the job well, how can the interviewer trust his ability? Therefore, the interview was obviously a failure. However, if a person has confidence, he can get an opportunity to easily prepare for each challenge, which makes the other, confidence is the door to success, and if someone wants to enter the palace of success, determination is necessary. On the other hand, if a person has no determination, he will give up when encountering difficulties.

For example, when doing homework, a person without determination can not complete his homework perfectly or even copy others' homework when he thinks it is difficult to finish it. However, a determined person can always finish it because he knows what he really wants to do What do you want, and he can continue to do it.





I'm very shy. When my teacher asked me to answer his questions, I would be very nervous. I didn't know what to say one day.

My teacher asked me whether I would take part in the Christmas performance. I hesitated because I was afraid of losing face. My teacher told me that I should be brave, otherwise I would miss the opportunity I didn't want to miss.

Finally, I joined in and I was so happy for myself.




The air we breathe is so free that we take it for granted, but without it, we cannot survive for more than a few minutes. The same air is available to everyone, everyone needs it, some people use it to maintain them, and they sit there and feel sorry for themselves, others breathe air and use its energy to provide themselves with a brilliant life. Opportunities are the same, opportunities are everywhere, opportunities are so free, we take it for granted, but only Opportunity is not enough to create success.

Opportunity must be grasped and put into action in order to be valuable. Therefore, many people are eager to "enter" a "bottom" and "opportunity". It is as if opportunity will accomplish all impossible work.

Just as you need air, you need opportunity to succeed. It needs not only fresh air of opportunity, but you must take advantage of it An opportunity. It doesn't depend on your chance.

It has nothing to do with the floor of the opportunity. What matters is how you deal with it.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 年级 职业

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