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关于”救落水儿童“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Rescue of drowning children。以下是关于救落水儿童的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Rescue of drowning children

We can't help but remember such heroes and such ladder spirit. When life and time race, they don't worry whether they can save the children who fall into the water. Although they can't swim, they will still lift up this strange feeling from the responsibility and mission as always.

They can't give up the responsibility and really start from conscience and love We can't help but remember that when such children give up and persist in fighting after such intercourse, they still have no choice to retreat and bravely face all resistance from inside and outside. When they mature, they embody the spirit of contemporary youth absorbing boundaries and unity in the face of difficulties, so that the youth can express themselves through the autumn wind at this moment The song of love, this is the call of the soul, this is the dedication of love, this is the spring breeze of the world, this is the source of life, it has no heart in the desert, in the wilderness without love, death will shrink back at the sight of death, flowers of happiness will bloom everywhere, as long as we show a little love, the world will become a wonderful world.




2:,One day, a woven helped a girl who fell into the water and a girl went to play in the river. The girl was jumped into the river. When she called out for help, the women saw the women's help, so she decided to help the young girls.

The women picked up the wood, gave a girl a girl, let the girls grab the end of the wood, and the women took the wood to save the grill. The girl is saved. Please forgive me.





3:救落水儿童,The brook murmuring in the green forest flows through the beautiful wild flowers decorated with small houses. The sun was shining high in the sky. Suddenly a deer ran into the yard of the house.

A little boy was playing with deer. He caught the boy's clothes with his antlers. The little boy let out a howl and his mother ran out to see what was going on.

She came out just in time to see the deer running up the mountain with her little boy. Of course, the boy's mother was afraid. She ran after the deer as fast as possible.

Not far away, when he saw his mother coming, she found her little boy sitting safely on the grass. The little boy laughed and stretched out his arms to her. His mother picked him up and she cried with joy.

When she got home, she and her baby son came back to their house in a hurry. When she was chasing her son outside, she was surprised to find that a big tree at the back of the house fell down and was crushed under the weight of the house. The walls were crushed.

All the roof tiles were broken to powder. If she and her little boy were at home, the chickens and dogs in the house would be dead. Then the little boy's mother thought of a day about a year ago when a deer fleeing from the hunter ran into her house.

She felt sorry that the poor deer was frightened, so she covered it with some clothes. When the hunter rushed to chase his prey, he couldn't find it. He thought it must have come out of the back door, so he kept chasing it.

When he went far away, she uncovered the deer's skin and let it go back to the forest. The deer seemed to understand that she had saved his life, for he was such a left-handed man who kept bowing to her as if to thank her for her kindness.







标签: 高二 英文 高分 作文 儿童

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