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关于”自然力量“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Natural forces。以下是关于自然力量的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Natural forces

Living in the concrete jungle, we have to admit that our busy and luxurious life is eroding our soul bit by bit. Only by being close to nature can we restore our vitality, return to our true selves, breathe fresh air, smell flowers, listen to birds and flowers, and we can release our tension and tension, listen to the singing of birds and the sound of streams Our tension and mental disturbance are removed from the things around us and form the water journey. We can also understand the cycle of life.

We can learn to be a kind person from the peaceful mountains. When we enjoy the comfortable atmosphere of nature, we can learn a lot. We can think of nature as a great book, and notice that it can make us happy that unpredictable natural disasters are usually ferocious and have great destructive power.

Disasters lasting for a long time and a short time, including many factors, will cause casualties, huge property losses and a considerable degree of chaos. The longer a disaster or event lasts, the more victims will suffer The greater the threat, the greater the impact of the incident. Another major feature that affects the degree of disaster is that people get enough to live in the concrete jungle.

We have to admit that our busy and luxurious life is eroding our soul bit by bit. Only by being close to nature can we regain our vitality, return to our true self, breathe fresh air, smell flowers, listen to birds and flowers, and we can release our tension Listen to the sound of birds and streams. We can release our tension and purify the annoying things around us through the journey of water.

We can understand the cycle of life. We can learn to be a kind person from the quiet mountains. We can learn a lot of things while enjoying the natural and comfortable atmosphere.

We can regard nature as a great book We can be equally happy with notes in.





标签: 小学 作文 万能 自然

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