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关于”课的总体评价“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Overall evaluation of the course。以下是关于课的总体评价的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Overall evaluation of the course

Self evaluation I am confident, optimistic, have good communication skills, I have strong management and quality control ability, have a strong self-motivated, can do a good job in communication, and maintain good relations with colleagues are my strengths. I believe that I can be a good subordinate of a leader and a good leader of a subordinate. I used to be the production director of the largest sock industry.

The company is located in CMT, Mauritius, Africa. Now I am working in a foreign-invested enterprise in Nantong as the manager of production and quality.




It took me an hour to buy a gift from my parents, so I spent an hour buying a car and I hope she will like it. I got up early yesterday to help my mother make breakfast. We bought a lot of food and drink because we were going to visit my grandmother in Hainan.

Then I wash the dishes and clean the room at nine.





I am a diligent and progressive person with strong sense of responsibility and good team spirit. I have completed all courses in the professional field, and have mastered good theoretical knowledge and practical experience. I have a wide range of hobbies, including listening to music, watching movies and reading literary works.

I can speak fluent English and have quite good reading and writing skills. My Putonghua is my mother tongue. I have good computer skills: I am familiar with different versions of Windows operating system and office application software, Can use C and FORTRAN programming language programming, have practical experience and know a lot of widely used software such as AutoCAD, Photoshop, CorelDRAW and Dreamweaver English spelling checker.

As a recruitment manager, it is very embarrassing to have misspelled words on your resume and cover letter. I will definitely discard any misspelled words in your resume and cover letter Cover letter DIY = do it yourself = DIY perception = intuitive perception = easygoing = fluency, fluency, good reading and writing.


我是一个勤奋上进的人,有强烈的责任感和良好的团队合作精神。我完成了专业领域的所有课程,掌握了良好的理论知识和实践经验。在学生组织中发挥了重要作用,磨练了我的人际交往技能和组织能力我有广泛的爱好,包括听音乐,看电影和阅读文学作品我能说一口流利的英语,有相当好的读写能力我的普通话是母语水平我有很好的计算机技能:熟悉不同版本的Windows操作系统和Office应用软件,能用C和Fortran编程语言编程,有实践经验并且对许多广泛使用的软件如Autocad,Photoshop,Coreldraw和Dreamweaver英语拼写检查器非常了解,作为一名招聘经理,你的简历和求职信上有拼写错误的单词是非常尴尬的,我一定会丢弃任何简历和求职信中有拼写错误的单词eed cover letter DIY=Do It自己=DIY感知=直觉感知=随和=随和流利流利读写良好。


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