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关于”有关迪丽热巴“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:About delireba。以下是关于有关迪丽热巴的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About delireba

The most important thing is to keep healthy. First of all, if you sleep late at night, you will feel sleepy. The next day you will not work well.

Second, stop eating fast food. You need to have a big breakfast every day. Third, get up early and do some exercise.

When you are free, you can cultivate your interest and take part in some activities after class. If you continue to do so, you will be in good condition state.




Fifteen years ago, at the end of the cold war, many of us wanted to establish a new world order, a world order rooted in human solidarity, a fair, inclusive and effective world order. But today, we are still far from that goal. We may be separated by a wall between the East and the West, but we have not yet built a bridge between the north and the south, the rich and the poor.

Considering our development aid record last year, countries around the world spent more than $1 trillion on armaments, but we contributed less than 10 percent of that amount, just US $100 million, as official development assistance to the developing regions of the world, James Morris, head of the world food program Morris recently told me, "if I could get one percent of the money spent on global armaments, no one in the world would go to bed hungry." It is not surprising, then, that poverty continues to kill millions of people. In the past decade, there have been millions of armed conflicts in sub Saharan Africa, where the poorest of the poor also take into account our attitude towards the sanctity and value of human life after the terrorist attacks in the United States in September, and we are all deeply saddened by this heinous crime It's natural to be outraged, but today many people don't know that millions of people have lost their lives as a result of the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because we have to come to the conclusion that our priorities are skewed and our practices are uneven.


xx年前,冷战结束时,我们许多人都希望建立一个新的世界秩序,建立一个植根于人类团结的世界秩序,一个公平、包容和有效的世界秩序,但今天,我们离这个目标还远着呢,我们可能会在东西方之间隔着墙,但是我们还没有建立南北之间的桥梁,富人和穷人。考虑到我们去年的发展援助记录,世界各国在军备上花费了超过1万亿美元,但我们只贡献了不到这个数额的百分之十,仅仅是亿美元,作为对世界发展中地区的官方发展援助世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)的负责人詹姆斯·莫里斯(James Morris)最近告诉我,“如果我能把花在全球军备上的钱的百分之一拿出来,这个世界上就没有人会饿着肚子上床睡觉了。”那么,贫困继续导致数百万人死亡的冲突也就不足为奇了在过去xx年中,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲发生了百万起武装冲突,那里的穷人中最贫穷的人也考虑到我们在xx月美国恐怖袭击后对人类生命的神圣性和价值的态度,我们都深感悲痛,并对这一令人发指的罪行表示愤慨,这是理所当然的,但今天许多人不知道,由于刚果民主共和国的内战,数百万人失去了生命,因为我们要得出这样的结论:我们的优先事项倾斜,我们的做法参差不齐。


The story is about a little creature created by genetic experiments. He escaped to prison with his evil creator, Steve. He tried to play a dog on earth and was adopted by Lilo.

Lilo wanted to protect himself. He planned to use it as a human shield to protect him, because aliens were sent to take him back, but he had no bigger life goal and no friends Friends, family and memories, Stege did a little introspection, began to understand the meaning of "love" and "family", his feelings for Lilo began to change, a young girl and the galaxy met the story, the most wanted alien Lilo is a lonely Hawaiian girl, she adopted an ugly little "dog", she named stichi stichi, if he Instead of a genetic experiment, escaping from an alien planet and falling to earth through her faith and a strong belief in "ohana," he would be a perfect pet (the Lilo concept of Hawaii's family helped unravel Stieg's heart and gave him something he was not supposed to have the ability to love).




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