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关于”不能接受聚会“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Can't accept the party。以下是关于不能接受聚会的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Can't accept the party

The chart below shows the different attitudes of men and women to real marriage. Look at the chart carefully and write down your answers in approximate words. In the chart, you should explain the chart, state the reasons and give your comments.

Content relevance, content adequacy will be awarded scores, and organizational and language quality may result in loss of scores if the above instructions are not followed. People who accept direct marriage may lose points. The chart above clearly shows the different attitudes of men and women towards low-level marriage.

From the chart, we can clearly see that the percentage of male respondents who support this idea is higher than that of women, which undoubtedly reflects the difference between men and women. On the one hand, they have different requirements for marriage. After all, most women are concerned about the sense of security.

Marriage is not equal to love, and the basic material basis is necessary, especially after marriage As a reflection of people's responsibility to others, the qualitative basis is to a certain extent the result of social reality, such as high living standards, high wedding costs and more free and independent minds. Considering the above discussion, we can reach the conclusion that men and women have different attitudes towards bottom marriage, which is consistent with gender differences and social development 。 I believe that the proportion of people who support so-called underground marriage will change over time.






Dear Henry: Thank you very much for your invitation. I am very happy to be one of the limited guests you have invited. I really want to join you.

However, the most unfortunate thing is that we can't get your kind invitation on the same day that I invited John to bring a gift. Please accept this letter to express our congratulations on the party and wish your family a happy meal, Jane.




Some people tend to stick to their position all the time, because they think that the longer they work in a certain field, the more skilled people will be teachers for a lifetime. Some people devote their whole life to scientific research. Such people love their work and become experts in their own field.

They are usually high achievers. Some are different. They have the habit of changing jobs Because they always pursue freshness and excitement, they never seem to be satisfied with the status quo.

Some people like to meet more people, earn more money and new acquaintances, so they jump from one job to another. As far as I know, I want to be strong in my major. I don't agree with constant's job hopping.

As the saying goes, "know it all, but I want to have the opportunity to get promoted and try my best." Maybe more cooperation and communication with colleagues, so as to be more creative and less biased.




标签: 作文 万能 专业

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