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关于”上册我最喜欢的食物“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Volume 1 my favorite food。以下是关于上册我最喜欢的食物的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volume 1 my favorite food

CMY's favorite food is sweet and delicious bananas, especially white banana milk with green skin and delicate meat. Every time I eat banana milk, I feel very happy. There are many varieties of happy bananas.

Among them, red banana has a strong taste and soft taste, which makes the fragrant banana with juicy juice generally crisp and sweet. If you continue to bite, you will make a crisp "card" sound, just like one Banana root dancing in my mouth, there is a news, even eat banana people bite the banana, banana stuck in the teeth, there is a small bud, let me very surprised. Therefore, I eat the banana will carefully brush my teeth, the teacher told me: "see this news also let me jump, sir, may be because of periodontal disease, so the seed growth ring The environment, also want to sprout, your teeth are very healthy, don't worry.

"Listen to the teacher's words, I'm relieved. I remember my mother said that bananas are rich in vitamin C, but also whitening Oh, in my mother's womb, mother will eat banana milk, give birth to a full baby's hope, so I also like to eat bananas, because bananas are rich in nutrition, taste crisp and sweet, this is my favorite fruit food.




I like western food. I eat at least one Western food a week. My favorite is steak fried with onion and onion.

I like medium rare steak because it is more juicy and it doesn't taste too bloody. I usually order another oxtail soup to go with my steak.




(my favorite food) Hello, my name is Andy. I'm ten years old. My favorite food is hot dog.

My favorite drink is coke. My favorite job is postman. My favorite animal is monkey.

My favorite sport is badminton. My favorite hobby is cycling. My favorite color is blue.

My favorite room is my bedroom. What is you.




标签: 四级 作文 万能 上册

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