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关于”工作的优缺点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of work。以下是关于工作的优缺点的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of work

As mankind has reached an unprecedented level of industrialization, technology is completely changing the way we live, work, study and play. One of the important changes is the transfer of the workplace from the office to the home. Although this strange innovation has proved to be not perfect, it has been warmly welcomed by countless people, especially white-collar workers.

I agree with their analysis based on the following analysis: working at home, which is called telecommuting, allows workers to stop doing the chores of daily commuting, so that they can spend more time doing other meaningful things, such as with their families Reunion, which helps. In addition, the harmonious atmosphere of the whole family is released from the cage full of strict rules and regulations and unbearable pressure. On the contrary, it can relax a little, which may keep them in a good mood and improve their work performance to business owners.

This change is undoubtedly a cost saving problem, because there is no need for workplace The cost of rent and facilities. However, telecommuting does prevail, but it also brings some disadvantages: first, because employees work separately, employers may find it difficult to implement the key to the efficiency of immediate supervision, which was once regarded as a supplement. Second, employees working from home may also find their enthusiasm reduced because peer pressure has disappeared, accompanied by a lot of temptation.

In the previous discussion, we found that it is unreasonable to ignore the disadvantages of telecommuting. Nevertheless, its advantages are reasonable enough to compensate for its popularity in the future.





Moral speech sticks to an ethical article with pure love: "when I was a child, I thought you were very beautiful, holding a group of birds flying with a child, I thought you were so strong, it said a shocking word in the word." reverberating in my youth years, I admire the sacred teacher profession at that time, and hope to become a role in a beautiful song, bearing Enthusiasm and sincerity, to a third of the foot podium, the teacher fulfilled my dream work less than three years ago. Among us, I not only deeply felt the hardship and pressure, but also felt the ordinary and dedication behind the pressure. Just like that song, "when I grow up, I become a flying classroom, you know, it's hope to keep your nest forever.

I grow up As a professor of contemporary writers, there is a couplet always urging me: what is boring to teach and how to do is not awarded to the century. In my opinion, the answer to this word is enough. In fact, it seems to be very light "morality".

If education is positive, education is positive If teachers are the soul of creating people, and morality is the soul of teachers, and morality is the ladder of human beings, and the climbers of learning help endlessly. Morality is the green leaf. The journey of teachers' morality is just the brilliance of teachers' ethics.

It is the starting point of my ideal journey of life and the way of my life. I want to be a teacher The essence of morality, money in the materialist supremacy of today's rampant today, people's more and more money shining, people always look at this problem with the purpose of utilitarianism, go and be a teacher.




Computers can help us to do a lot of things, to do office work, study, shopping, also can play games on the computer, there are good and bad, on the computer can learn a lot of people do not communicate together convenient, but if the game will be addictive, in short, the advantages of the computer outweigh the disadvantages.




标签: 四级 作文 真题 缺点 工作

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