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关于”与英雄有关“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:It's about heroes。以下是关于与英雄有关的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:It's about heroes

I admire heroes. When we talk about what a hero is, everyone has a different view. In my opinion, the three college students of Changjiang University who gave their lives in saving a boy's life are heroes, and the soldiers fighting floods and forest fires are also heroes.

Because they have saved the property of the country and the people, I regard teachers as heroes, because teachers in our country devote their whole lives to the education of the next generation in China. In fact, everyone is himself In a word, we should learn from heroes and be good for society.




A bad beginning brings bad results. A bad thing never becomes a bad worker's tool. A bird in one hand is more than two bragging and lying in the jungle.

A bully in Germany is always a coward. One's choice is not to light others and consume itself. A cat has life.

A cat can see a king. A closed mouth can't catch a forever guest. Never It's good news that actions speak louder than words.

Universities bring prosperity, business makes people wise, unfair death and glory. It's hard for a loyal friend to find one to fall into the pit and gain an advantage in your wisdom. The fox may turn grey, but it will never be good.




"The hero is not braver than ordinary people, but he is brave for five minutes." complete 'Ralph Waldo Emerson' citation source: Ralph Waldo Emerson "the hero is who knows how to hold on for more than a minute" Novalis "citation source: Novalis" the hero is rebellious or appears to resist the fact that full 'Jim Morrison' citation source: Jim Morrison "young people follow It can be a hero "full" Walt Whitman "source: Walt Whitman" be your own hero, cheaper than movie tickets "source: Doug Horton.




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