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关于”二战的伤亡“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Casualties in World War II。以下是关于二战的伤亡的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Casualties in World War II

World War II, or World War II (usually abbreviated as WWII or WW), is a global military conflict, involving most countries in the world, including all major powers, forming two opposing military alliances: allies and Axis powers. The war involves the mobilization of more than one million military personnel. Under the state of "total war", this war has become the most extensive war in history.

The main participants have used all their economic, industrial and scientific capabilities in war efforts, eliminating the difference between civilian and military resources. More than 70 million people have been killed, most of them civilians. This is the most lethal conflict in human history.

The beginning of the war is usually considered to be September, when Germany invaded Poland, and most of the countries and public welfare agencies of the British Empire declared war on Germany, while France was at war before or after that day. During the period from to, due to other events, these major events included Marco Polo Bridge (the battle between China and Japan of the Kuomintang) and Barossa The Soviet Union and the United States became world superpowers, which laid the foundation for the cold war, which lasted for several years. The United Nations was established to prevent the recurrence of such conflicts.

Acceptance of self-determination accelerated the decolonization movement in Asia and Africa, and Western Europe itself began to move towards integration.





The second world war or the Second World War, usually referred to as the Second World War, is the merger of two independent conflicts. One took place in Asia and was the second Sino Japanese war. The other originated in Europe and invaded Poland in.

It is considered as the historical successor of the world war. In this global conflict, most countries in the world split into two opposing military alliances: allies and Axis powers across most parts of the world. World War II caused more than one million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.

World War II is the most extensive war in history, and the countries concerned mobilized more than one million military personnel. The all-out war eliminates the distinction between civil and military resources, and makes a country's economy and industry fully active. Nearly two thirds of the people killed in the war are civilians, and nearly one million civilian casualties are the victims of the massacre carried out by Nazi Germany (mainly in Eastern Europe) and the Soviet Union.

The war ended with the victory of the allies. The United States and the Soviet Union became the two major superpowers in the world, laying the foundation for the cold war in the next few years. The United Nations was set up to prevent the recurrence of such conflicts, self-determination had led to decolonization / independence movements in Asia and Africa, and Europe itself had begun to embark on the path to integration.





The second world war is the second global war launched by one party, which is based on the three fascist axes of Germany's third empire, namely, the kingdom of Italy, the kingdom of Hungary, the kingdom of Romania, the kingdom of Bulgaria, the anti fascist alliance and the anti fascist forces of the world. The scope of the war ranges from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean More than 100 million people participated in the war. According to incomplete statistics, the area of the war is 10000 square kilometers.

In this war, more than one million people were killed and more than one trillion dollars were lost in the East. It is the largest world war in human history.




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