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关于”逆商“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Inverse quotient。以下是关于逆商的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Inverse quotient

Investors can be snobs, and often this foolishness proves costly. A typical example is the institutional lemmings lining up to support NAT Rothschilds at a price of

1 per share The way vallars bought the company seems to be based on the prestige of the name Rothschild and all the financial talent and connections that have resulted from it. Perhaps these fund managers have not done all the homework they could have done in Indonesia's coal mining.

Today, it's called Bumi PLC's share price has fallen by a quarter, while the respected Mr. Rothschild has resigned from the board of directors, the chairman accused him of destructive behavior at a board meeting, the investigation into the financial irregularities of Bumi resources is continuing, and various parties are calling for divestiture of the promoters' incentive shares and then treat those who are considered boring or otherwise The dirty catering industry, which I mainly depend on for a living, feels snobbish, which is often looked down upon by smart people - although in recent years, dinner guests have raised their ears when they learn that I have ivy, some high-ranking jobs seem to have lost some Charm - especially the investment banking industry, which used to be full of pompous color, but now it is no longer So spectacular (Ivy, I remember in the early's, when home computers were just popular, I thought anyone who was obsessed with software was a smelly, greasy haired nerd studying the rankings of technology billionaires, who are now big business figures around the world, and the participants are so diverse that the old cultural snobbery is not Meaningful money and power allow anyone to destroy almost any scene, no matter how bad they behave. Of course, we British are still obsessed with the classroom, but perhaps better than our American counterpart: race.


投资者可能是势利小人,通常这种愚蠢行为证明代价高昂一个典型的例子就是机构旅鼠排队以每股1英镑的价格支持Nat Rothschilds Vallars收购公司的方式他们似乎是为了罗斯柴尔德这个名字的威望,以及由此而产生的所有金融天才和人脉关系或许这些基金经理们并没有在印尼煤炭开采方面做足他们可能做的所有功课。如今,更名为Bumi Plc的股票价格下跌了四分之一,与此同时,尊敬的罗斯柴尔德先生已经辞去了董事会的职务,董事长在一次董事会会议上指控他有破坏性行为,对布米资源涉嫌财务违规的调查仍在继续,各种各样的党派都在呼吁剥夺发起人的激励性股份,然后对那些被视为无聊或肮脏的餐饮业,我主要靠这些行业为生的行业感到势利,这通常被那些聪明的人看不起——尽管近年来,参加晚宴的客人得知我拥有常春藤后都会竖起耳朵,但一些地位很高的工作似乎已经失去了一些魅力——尤其是曾经充满浮夸色彩的投资银行业,但现在已经不那么壮观了(常春藤,我记得在年代早期,当家用电脑刚刚流行起来的时候,我认为任何一个痴迷于软件的人都是一个体味难闻、头发油腻的书呆子,研究着科技亿万富翁的排名,他们现在是全球商业界的大人物,参与者是如此的多样化,以至于旧的文化势利是没有意义的金钱和权力允许任何人破坏几乎任何一个场景,无论他们的举止多么恶劣当然,我们英国人仍然痴迷于课堂,但也许比美国的同类:种族更好。


2:逆商,It is reported that many stores in supermarkets have been closed. As we all know, with the development of e-commerce, people like to shop online. The challenges brought by e-commerce require traditional businesses to make some changes.

On the one hand, there are many reasons for store bankruptcy. On the one hand, the rent is very high, and it takes a lot of money to rent a good place in the supermarket. We can see that the land is increasing every year, and the rent is rising.

On the other hand, most people will try on clothes in clothing stores and buy the same style of clothes online, because the price will be much cheaper. Traditional stores are facing challenges and they need to Make some adjustments, or they will be completely replaced by e-commerce, customers are the first, if the store has some features that attract them, they are willing to pay, so don't complain about the Internet, change is the way out.



满分英语范文 credit Suissejpmorgan Berau coalbumi plcbumi resources vallar NAT will be hurt now, but it's not just his fault. Bumi PLC is a top investor with a lot of white hair around him - who should give him better advice? Bumi Plc? The vallars board is packed with big names in the city, including Sir Julian hornsmith, a former Vodafone deputy chief executive, and Lord Renwick, a former foreign affairs officer, both of whom are key figures on the Bumi PLC board However, due diligence experts believe that, given the speed of the deal, the standard steps may have been ignored; some assets, including Yemen's oil and gas projects, were subsequently written down. Some believe that if the relationship deteriorates, leaving newcomers with expectations of London's governance, you can spend more time arranging deals to protect your investment And then.

3:逆商,A person close to Rothschild said $million of the money was used to cover third-party costs of legal work and was restructured with the support of the bumis audit committee, under credit A month after investment bankers at Suisse and JPMorgan introduced their future business partners, the company had net savings of $2 million, and in November last year, the team announced a deal to sell shares in bellow coal (which currently holds% of the company) and Bumi resources and sell them to vallar

Some say you can attribute it to diligence, but others know who you are in partnership with. A person familiar with the original deal insisted that the deal was right, and months of hard work from the initial agreement to the end of the deal led to an agreement.


一位与罗斯柴尔德关系密切的人士表示,这笔资金中的万美元用于支付法律工作的第三方费用,并在布米斯审计委员会(Bumis audit committee)的支持下进行了重组,在瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)和摩根大通(JPMorgan)的投资银行家介绍了他们未来的业务合作伙伴后一个月,这家公司净节省了200万美元,去年xx月,该团队宣布了一项交易,将出售贝劳煤炭公司(该公司目前持有该公司%的股份)和Bumi Resources公司的股份,并将其出售给Vallar Credit SuisseJPMorganBerau CoalBumi PlcBumi ResourcesVallar

1、 Nat现在会受到伤害,但这不仅仅是他的错,Bumi Plc的一位顶级投资者,他身边有很多白发——高级董事谁应该给他更好的建议?Bumi Plc?Vallars董事会挤满了城市的大佬们,包括沃达丰前副首席执行官朱利安·霍恩史密斯爵士,前外交官伦威克勋爵(Lord Renwick)——两人都是Bumi Plc董事会的关键人物(Julian HornSmithLord RenwickBumi Plc.;





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