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关于”经历磨难才能成功“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:You can succeed only by going through hardships。以下是关于经历磨难才能成功的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:You can succeed only by going through hardships

How to succeed Different people have different views on success. Some people think that making a lot of money means success. Some people think that holding an important position in the government means success.

Some people think that having a high academic title in a famous university or scientific research institution means success. In my opinion, learning means success, and success means brilliant achievements in our work. In other words, no matter what we do, for our country Making outstanding contributions to the development of a family and bringing help and happiness to others is success.

First of all, we should: have a clear long-term goal in life. In addition, we should have short-term goals in different periods of life. It is these short-term goals that make our long-term goals possible.

Second, no matter what we do, we must persevere, work hard, and always work hard There are two possibilities: success and failure. When we come here, we will never lose heart. When we encounter difficulties or failures, we should learn from experience, build confidence, and work harder and wiser for our goals.

Third, we should learn from the successful examples and finally learn from them. We should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues. In our study, work and life, we should care for each other and help each other, because teamwork is very important to realize our dreams.

If we can follow these principles, we will surely achieve remarkable success in our life#.






2:,How to learn how to succeed is well known. Knowledge can change fate. Before that, we must continue to learn throughout our lives.

We should attach importance to the way we learn. First and foremost, we should set your goals, then collect information about your dream career, keep learning through online courses, and ask teachers for advice. In short, it is never too late to learn how to succeed.

Continuous learning is the way to success.




3:经历磨难才能成功,Success everyone loves success, no one likes failure, but everyone should know the hardships behind success. I think we shouldn't just focus on results, we should focus on progress. Two years ago, I took an English test, but I failed.

For a while, I felt very uneasy. But at that time, my English teacher encouraged me to continue my study. I began to remember those strange words.

Finally, I read a lot of English textbooks. I realized that I had overcome my fear of learning English. I began to like this class and achieved it in the final exam Good grades may be a sign of success, but I always remember my efforts.

Although I enjoyed the result, I learned the lesson of how to achieve it.




标签: 高一 英文 作文 万能 经历

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