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关于”邀请参加生日聚会“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Invite to a birthday party。以下是关于邀请参加生日聚会的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite to a birthday party

Dear Yu Yu, I think it would be nice to have his friends here to celebrate his birthday. I'd like to invite you to the party. The party time is Friday evening from 8:00 to 9:00 in the student club.

Everyone should prepare a small gift for Xiao Ming. We sing happy birthday song together, then cut the birthday cake, and finally we will play some games. I believe you will have a good time, your lily,.





① Next Friday, September 5th, is Tom's birthday. I want some of his friends to help him celebrate. Are you coming? We will jump from nine o'clock to midnight, and then cut the birthday cake Tom and I are eager to have you here, so please don't let us down dear you, Li Hua August R S V P accept the invitation dear Li Hua, thank you for inviting us to the party next Friday, September 5.

I am free to attend that day's party. I am very happy to meet you and talk about our friendship I will be at your home at 9:00 sharp and look forward to seeing you Ruth September 2 I'm sorry I can't accept the invitation dear Li Hua, I'm sorry I can't come to Tom's birthday party these days. My mother is ill, so I have to take care of her thank you for asking me, Li Hua, I certainly don't want to miss any of your parties, they are always so interesting and affectionate, September 2.


① ② ③ 邀请朋友参加生日聚会 邀请 亲爱的露丝, 下周五,xx月xx日,是汤姆的生日。我想让他的一些朋友来帮他庆祝你会来吗?我们将从九点跳到午夜,然后切生日蛋糕 汤姆和我都非常渴望有你在这里,所以请不要让我们失望 亲爱的您, Li Hua August R S V P 接受邀请 亲爱的李华, 感谢您邀请我们参加下周五,xx月xx日,我有空参加那天的聚会,很高兴与您见面并谈谈我们的友谊 我将于九点整在您家,期待见到您 露丝 xx月xx日 抱歉无法接受邀请 亲爱的李华, 我很抱歉这些天不能来参加汤姆的生日聚会我妈妈生病了,所以我必须照顾她 谢谢你问我,李华,我当然不想错过你的任何一个聚会,他们总是那么有趣,充满深情,xx月xx日。


标签: 专升本 作文 真题 生日 范文

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