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关于”吊唁某人“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Mourn sb。以下是关于吊唁某人的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mourn sb

"The orchard will replace the jungle," he fancied, and nothing can replace true love and family reunion. The meeting will be held on May 5, when electricity will replace coal. The new governor will take office next Tuesday.




My favorite singer, William Hung, asked me to tell you why he is super cute, how can you not like his sweet smile? I just think he looks like a very romantic and interesting person, William Hung has a cheerful personality and a positive attitude. He is very modest, unobtrusive and modest. As long as I am in front of him, I will realize the happiness that he exudes, just like the fragrance of flowers.

His simple and childlike nature makes me love him so much. This is the reason why he attracts many people. Let me explain why I am absolutely infatuated with William Hong: he has a charming smile, He has the wisdom to enter the University of California, Berkeley.

He looks cute. He makes me laugh. Even when I'm down, he makes me laugh.

When he performs, he is irresistible. He finally attracts people in his own unique way, but not least. He is magnanimous.

He plays Ricky Martin's' she Bang 'in the audition Is a brave performer, William is the true epitome of my confidence, he will always be my idol.


我爱的最可爱的歌手Will(William Hung让我告诉你为什么他超级可爱,你怎么可能不喜欢他甜美的笑容我只是觉得他看起来像一个非常浪漫有趣的人William Hung性格开朗,态度积极,他非常谦逊,不张扬,性格谦逊,只要在他面前,我就会体会到他身上散发出的幸福,就像花香一样,他的纯朴和孩子气的天性让我如此喜爱,这也是他吸引很多人的原因,让我来解释一下为什么我绝对迷恋洪威廉:他有一个迷人的微笑,他有进入加州大学伯克利分校的智慧,他看起来可爱,他让我发笑,即使在我情绪低落的时候他也会让我发笑他表演的时候是不可抗拒的他最终还是以他自己独特的方式吸引人的,但并非最不重要,他是宽宏大量他不可磨灭的演绎里基马丁的'她砰砰'在海选描绘他是一个勇敢的表演者威廉是真正的缩影我的信心,他将永远是我的偶像。


Emilia Paula: about the death of a mother, my dear Paula, I just learned of your mother's sudden death this morning. I can't tell you how shocked I am at the sad news. I know what it means to you and your sister.

I give you my sympathy and sympathy. I believe that many people's hearts are full of sorrow today, because I have never I've seen someone who has done so much good for the society, has so many friends, such as your mother, that everyone who knows her will miss her very much. No matter what I can do to help her, Paula, you know I'd love to do anything I can for you Dear Wang Tao, we will hold a birthday party at my home on Saturday afternoon, November 11.

If you can join us, we will be very happy to meet you, Li Ming.. r.s.v.p. reply.


埃米利保拉①②③④关于一位母亲的去世,亲爱的保拉,我今天早上刚刚得知你母亲的突然去世,我无法告诉你我对这个不幸的消息有多震惊我知道这对你和你妹妹意味着什么,我向你致以我的同情和慰问②我相信今天一定有许多人的心充满了悲伤,因为我从来没有见过有谁为社会做了这么多好事,有这么多朋友,比如你母亲,所有认识她的人都会非常想念她,无论我有什么办法可以帮助她,葆拉,你知道我很乐意用爱为你做任何我能做的事,艾米莉①同情[simp Ii]n.②吊唁[k nd ul ns]n③社区[k美赞臣:妮蒂]主持人[必须]n.吊唁信他/她是给杨的邀请卡德诺夫亲爱的王涛,我们将在xx月xx日星期六下午在我家举行一个生日聚会,如果您能加入我们,我们将非常高兴见到您,李明..R.S.V.P.回复sil-vous plait请回复。


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