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关于”自我认识的题目“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Self awareness issues。以下是关于自我认识的题目的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Self awareness issues

As we all know, robot is invented by human beings. It is just a program set by scientists. Everything done by robot will follow the program.

Theoretically, it has no life and will not have self-consciousness. However, on the screen, many movies show that robots may have self-consciousness in the future. It will challenge human beings in the early movie Matrix and show the audience calculation The most popular TV Series Western world describes a world built by human beings.

When players play robots that look like real people, these robots begin to have their own consciousness after upgrading. Although the robot is still a machine now, who knows what will happen with the development of technology.




The man with self-knowledge is independent from now on. He is never tired of it. His life is only short.

He is immersed in deep and gentle happiness. Other people, the slaves of ceremony, will let life slip away in a dream once they obey and do something better than others. A sleepy person will steal all the good nerves and functions in his soul He will become all external nothingness, become dull, cold and indifferent.




Self consciousness Virginia Woolf the self-conscious man is independent from now on. He is never tired of it. His life is only short.

He is immersed in deep and gentle happiness. He lives alone, while other people's slave ceremony makes life pass in a dream. Once obedient, once others do better than they do, a lazy man steals all the nerves and functions of the soul He becomes all the external displays, the inner emptiness, the dullness, the indifference.


自我意识 维吉尼亚伍尔夫 自我意识的人从此独立,他从不厌倦,生命只是短暂的,他沉浸在深刻而温和的幸福中,他独自生活,而别人的奴隶仪式让生命在一种梦中流逝,一旦顺从,一旦做别人做的事比他们做的更好,一个懒散的人偷走了灵魂所有的神经和官能,他变成了所有外在的展示,内心的空虚,迟钝无情,漠不关心。


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