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In March this year, Mr. Kim and others organized a demonstration in the south of Birmingham, demanding the abolition of the segregation system in the whole city. The demonstrations were brutally suppressed.

However, due to Gordon paster's insistence, he was forced to intervene with the federal states of the United States. This urban apartheid system was completely abolished after the Birmingham incident, and the ranks of the civil rights movement expanded rapidly In August, Zhang organized people / 4 for Caucasians) to go to Washington, D.C., asking for employment and "immediate freedom". Black people in some cities also developed into violent struggle against violence.

President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. However, southern Zhuzhou people used various means to prevent black voters from registering. Mr.

Jin and others in SELAR, Alabama, where racism is rampant, have been prevented by various means Ma city carried out a black registration movement and killed biselma to Montgomery, the capital of the state, at the risk of beating in March. At last, the participants reached the condemnation of the people of the world. In August of the same year, the U.S.

government asked the Congress to pass the voter promotion. In fact, the above two laws can not completely abolish the system of apartheid and discrimination, but in fact, racial discrimination has also intensified As a potential mastermind, the golden shepherd organized the poor people's March (known as the poor's movement in Memphis, Tennessee, which was later shot by racist members. Later, black leaders launched national self-determination movement, black authority movement, black panther movement and large-scale urban riots by black people.

In fact, they all opposed the de facto apartheid system in different forms, especially The black American civil rights movement is the model of modern nonviolent movement. It has a profound impact on the oppressed social classes in the world. It makes people see the possibility of obtaining democratic rights through legal mass movement and the trend of democratic equality in the world.




Rosa Parks, the American born civil rights leader, refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, which led to a nationwide boycott of bus companies and sparked a nationwide civil rights movement in December. Rosa Parks refused to stand up on the public bus to give way to white passengers Rosa was arrested and tried. After the incident reached the black community, he was found guilty of disturbing public order and violating local laws.

African American leaders gathered and organized a bus boycott in Montgomery to protest against the separation of black and white people on buses. The boycott, which lasted for several days, was a leap year, until the local law to segregate African Americans and whites on public buses came into effect, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the most important step was in Montgomery, Alabama, where longtime activists Rosa Parks and Edgar Nixon convinced Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the Montgomery Duke Car boycotts and church leaders in other communities, such as Baton Rouge, Louisiana, have been boycotting in recent years, although these efforts often disappear after a few days in Montgomery. On the other hand, the Montgomery improvement association formed a leadership boycott to try to keep the boycott going for more than a year, until a federal court ordered Montgomery to cancel its public office Car isolation.

Montgomery's success made king a national figure and triggered other bus boycotts, such as the highly successful Taraxaci and Florida boycotts.




Through nonviolent protest, the civil rights movement for racial equality in the United States broke the mode of racial segregation in the South and realized the equal rights legislation of black people. According to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v.

Topeka's education board of Topeka, African Americans and white supporters tried to end the deep-rooted practice of apartheid, when Rosa Parks Parks was arrested in Montgomery in, and African American boycott of the bus system was led by the student nonviolence Coordination Committee led by Martin Luther King and Ralph abernay in the early s, and sting used Mohandas K. Gandhi's nonviolent approach to remove apartheid in many public facilities Department stores were removed from apartheid, supermarkets, libraries and cinemas were still firmly opposed to most of the segregation measures in the southern United States, and protestors were frequently attacked and occasionally killed. Their efforts eventually led to a march in Washington, D.C., in support of civil rights legislation after John F.

Kennedy's assassination, and President Lyndon Johnson convinced Congress to pass the civil rights bill, a victory that followed in In the following decades, many supporters withdrew. The leaders gained power through election and gained substantial economic and educational benefits through affirmative action.


美国争取种族平等民权运动通过非暴力抗议,打破了南部种族隔离的模式,实现了黑人平等权利立法。根据美国最高法院在布朗诉托皮卡教育委员会案(Brown v Education Board of Topeka)的裁决,非裔美国人和白人支持者试图结束根深蒂固的种族隔离做法,当时罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)于年在蒙哥马利被捕,非裔美国人抵制公共汽车系统是由马丁·路德·金和拉尔夫·阿伯纳西在年代早期领导的学生非暴力协调委员会领导的联合抵制运动和斯廷斯利用莫汉达斯·K·甘地的非暴力方法,取消了许多公共设施的种族隔离,这场运动蔓延开来,迫使百货公司取消种族隔离,超市、图书馆和电影院美国南部地区仍然坚决反对大多数的种族隔离措施,抗议者经常遭到暴力袭击,偶尔也会被杀害。他们的努力最终导致在约翰·肯尼迪遇刺后,在华盛顿特区举行游行,支持民权立法,林登·约翰逊总统说服国会通过了民权法案,这是一次胜利,随后在年,黑豹党(Black Panther Party)等激进组织从民权运动中分裂出来,黑人聚居区的暴乱和国王的暗杀导致许多支持者在随后的几xx年中撤出,领导人通过选举获得权力,通过平权行动获得实质性的经济和教育收益。


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