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关于”水资源浪费“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Waste of water resources。以下是关于水资源浪费的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Waste of water resources

A man is washing clothes, regardless of the above "please save water". As we can see, water is the source of life, but the available water resources in our world are very limited, so we should not waste it. We must use it to drink water, cook and wash clothes, but we must remember not to waste time.

If we don't stop this waste habit, we will cut off the development of the world and human life.




The earth is our mother, is our home, water is the source of our life, but the earth's water resources are gradually reduced, and our country is a serious water shortage country, only fresh water resources in our country have been rapid development, emerging industrial wastewater and serious pollution, caused huge economic benefits, farmers' losses, in our city countless, a few years ago, due to too much The discharge of wastewater from chemical enterprises in cities around the lake has led to a large amount of cyanobacteria overflowing from Taihu Lake. The water in Taihu Lake is not drinkable, which brings difficulties to the drinking water of Taihu Lake and surrounding cities. Some enterprises supplying bottled water have since continued to use various methods to discharge industrial wastewater into the river out of economic interests and people's lives, resulting in the continuous deterioration of water quality.

This behavior is shameful and immoral In order to protect our only and increasingly scarce water resources, the government should not only strengthen the supervision and management of the people, but also each of us should start from me, so as to save water, do not open long-term running water, people from the tap that is water, waste, do not wash, wash dishes, take a bath Water, mopping the floor and flushing the toilet can save every drop of water, protect water resources and save household economic expenses. It can be said that killing two birds with one stone. What can prevent itchy water resources? From now on, start from me, and strengthen the awareness of water resources protection, so as not to let the last drop of tears.




The earth is like our mother. She gives life to all living things on earth. She provides us with water and other things on which we live.

She is beautiful and rich, but she cried because she is getting dirtier and poorer. We have the responsibility to protect our earth, so we must stop pollution, plant more trees and keep our environment clean. The earth is our only home.

It is very important to protect ourselves.




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