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关于”介绍蔡伦“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce Cai Lun。以下是关于介绍蔡伦的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Cai Lun

A long time ago, characters were carved on bones, bamboo and silk. These materials were very heavy and some were expensive, which caused a lot of inconvenience to people. In the Western Han Dynasty, some people began to use some expensive plant paper fabrics.

The paper looked good and rough, and it was convenient to write in the Eastern Han Dynasty. A eunuch named Cai Lun decided to find one Cai Lun often went to the riverside to observe the process of women washing silk and the "flocs" of silk. He found that the remaining silk separated from the silk and formed a thin layer on the table.

Some people dried it in the sun, pasted the windows, packaged it, or used it to write about it. He went to the paper mill and consulted the papermakers to gradually understand and master the basic technology of papermaking In order to create economic and practical paper, Cai Lun uses bark, bark, rags, abandoned fishing nets and other common materials to break them. Cai Lun, made of pulp, tests and tests every month, which makes him dirty.

People around him regard him as a strange person. He doesn't care about his strange eyes. According to his new method, he uses it on old paper“ This is Cai Lun's inheritance of the paper which is cheap, easy to carry and write.

This great invention is listed as one of the four great inventions in ancient China.




Rubik's cube is a kind of 3D mechanical jigsaw invented by Hungarian sculptor and architecture professor Er ő Rubik in, which was initially called "Rubik's Cube". The puzzle was licensed by ideal toy company in, and won the best jigsaw award of the German special game of the year. As of January this year, millions of Rubik's cube, the world's best-selling puzzle game, has been widely recognized In order to be the best-selling classic magic cube toy in the world, there are stickers on all six faces.

Among them, six kinds of solid colors (traditional white, red, blue, orange, green and yellow) pivot mechanism enable each face to rotate independently. Therefore, to solve the puzzle of mixed colors, each face must be a solid color puzzle. Now different numbers of stickers have been produced, not all of them The original 3 × 3 × 3 version of Rubik celebrates its 25th anniversary in.




Neat team, advanced fighter, display is gorgeous, noisy crowd, one after another familiar song, one after another smile, this is the National Day parade for 60 years left in my mind, a picture I did not have the opportunity to experience after the 1960s, but I can feel that our country has grown up in the radical 1960s and has been catching up Some people say that our generation is a generation that enjoys a happy life. Indeed, listening to their parents tell us about their childhood, we think that he was too happy, but we can not always enjoy a happy life. Their good luck may be that today's "rich people" and "the second generation" can better understand what it is to enjoy life.

China is prosperous and strong, and we also have a happy life However, it is undeniable that this happiness was earned by our parents' sweat shortly before entering the society before they put themselves into work. Our life is the highest, and even we have lived a breastfeeding life for 30 years. Our parents provide us with food and clothing, and we are ready to spend a good time in decades.

We also hope that our future generations will have a more happy life, and we also hope that our children and grandchildren will have a more happy life Dai has a more powerful and proud motherland, so we are no longer qualified to enjoy a happy life. The baton in our hands in history has passed. Now we should obey a happy ending and start to rush.

We shoulder more responsibilities and missions. Maybe we have a chance to see the 50th anniversary of the National Day military parade. So yes, I am We are thinking that the prosperity of our country is even more proud of our mediocrity, or regret.

I hope the answer is the former, because at that time, we can say with pride: we added bricks and made a contribution to the prosperity of the motherland after the construction of the motherland.




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