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关于”写给上级的书信“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Letters to superiors。以下是关于写给上级的书信的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Letters to superiors

Honey, how are you today? I'm surprised and glad to see the news about your wedding in the newspaper. First of all, I'm sorry I'm absent. I'm very busy recently.

I don't have time to attend your wedding. Then, I wish you the best. Last time you wrote to tell me that you and your wife will move to my neighbor.

I'm glad to hear that we haven't seen each other for years. I'd like to When you come back, we can do what we did a year ago. I deeply hope that we can live as before, just like we have never had before.

I really like the feeling of being with you. I will wait for you and your wife. We will get along very well.

I miss you very much. I look forward to seeing you. You are sincere&&.




2:,Topic: speech skills course Mr. Wu, I am writing to ask for leave to attend a one-day speech skills course, because I often introduce our products to customers through lectures. I believe this course will help me to do better in the future.

I look forward to your reply, Jack (Lee) subject: (salute) (purpose) (free end) (signature).




3:写给上级的书信,Dear Dany, everything goes well with your postcard. I like it very much. I want to talk about my daily life.

I'm very good in Beijing. The people here are very friendly. Chinese food is my favorite food in school life.

From Monday to Friday, I have classes every week, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. I feel very relaxed here because my beat helps me learn Chinese and I help them learn English. In return, they all like to make friends with me.

How do you expect your reply in Canada.





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