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Planning a stock portfolio Teri doesn't lack informants who offer "get rich quick" opportunities, but if you're a serious private investor, leave the Las Vegas mindset to those with money. Serious investors need an appropriate "portfolio," a well planned investment choice, with a clear structure and clear objectives, but what exactly to do? A new entrant to the stock market wants to do this. If you go to five reputable stockbrokers and ask them how you should use your money, you will probably get five different answers.

7 Information about age and family tells them about your financial situation and what you want from your investment? There is no "right way to build a portfolio. But there is no doubt that there are some wrong ways, and you can be sure that none of our five advisers would recommend putting all your (or possibly any) money into Periwigs, so what should you do, assuming that you have solved the basic problems of mortgage, pension, insurance and adequate cash reserves, then you should establish your own personal goals Part of the problem with personal circumstances is psychological. For example, if you get older and you have less time to recover from any significant loss, you may want to raise your pension to protect your capital and generate additional income, which is your main priority.

In this case, you may use some stocks to build a portfolio (but not a high-risk portfolio, such as gold If you are young and in good financial condition, you may decide to take a positive approach, but only if you have an optimistic personality and do not suffer from insomnia because of the stock price. If you recognize yourself in this description, you may add several strong growth stocks to your portfolio, except for your more prosaic investments. Once you have decided on your investment objectives, you can't decide where to put your money.

The golden rule here is to spread your risk if you put all of Perry Weiss in a fictitious company.





==The financial crisis we are experiencing now is very influential in all aspects, not only geographically, but also in a serious degree. The causes are complex. The problems leading to the financial crisis are a series of problems accumulated in the past few years.

The stocks and inflation in many regions are too high. The notorious bad debts in the United States are due to the irrecoverable cash flow Even major U.S. banks have fallen into the abyss of bankruptcy.

Auto companies declare that they are threatened and forced to go bankrupt. In the above problems, we can see more examples every day, some of which are not as serious as others, but affect the whole world, while the rest focus on destroying our economy. Let's hope that the financial crisis will leave and forgive us.




Even by the standards of the worst financial crisis in at least a generation, the events of Sunday and the day before were extraordinary. At the beginning of the weekend, it was hoped that an agreement could be reached to save Lehman Brothers with or without government support. The fourth largest investment bank in the United States ended up with Lehmans filing for bankruptcy protection.

After these efforts failed, the bank was ready to wind up its business, and other vulnerable financial giants scrambled to sell themselves or raise enough capital to avoid the failure of the fourth largest investment bank in the United States A similar fate for Merrill Lynch, the big three investment banks, sold itself to Bank of America, a former Lehman suitor. In a $1bn all share deal, AIG proposed a potentially life-saving reform and brought it to the Federal Reserve Reserve – AIG's situation remained unstable on Sunday night as bankers and regulators tried to limit their impact. Australian stock markets opened sharply lower on Monday (most other Asian stock markets were closed, U.S.

stock index futures were also in deep losses, the spread of dollar interest rates on risky credit had risen, and the US financial nightmare on Wall Street was further deepened Expand the weekend's big show, reshape U.S. financial markets. Merrill's acquisition leaves only two big independent U.S.

investment banks, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs-.


即使按照至少一代人以来最严重的金融危机的标准来衡量,周日斯佩滕伯斯和前一天发生的事件也是非同寻常的。上周末开始时,人们希望,无论有没有政府支持,都能达成一项拯救雷曼兄弟的协议,美国第四大投资银行最终以莱曼(Lehmans)申请破产保护告终,在这些努力失败后,该行准备结束自己的业务,其他脆弱的金融巨头争先恐后地出售自己或筹集足够的资金来避免第三大投行美林(Merrill Lynch)的类似命运,把自己卖给了美国银行(美国银行以前是雷曼兄弟的追求者,在一笔价值10亿美元的全股票交易中,美国国际集团(AIG)提出了一项可能拯救生命的改革,并将其带到了美联储(Federal Reserve)——美国国际集团(AIG)周日晚上的情况仍然不稳定,银行家和监管机构正在努力限制他们所带来的影响澳大利亚股市周一开盘大幅走低(其他亚洲股市多数休市,美国股指期货也深陷亏损,美元在风险信贷上的利差已经上升,华尔街的美国金融噩梦进一步扩大周末的一场重头戏重塑美国金融市场美林的收购只剩下美国两家大型独立投资银行,摩根士丹利和高盛-。


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