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Our society should encourage the development of cloning technology, because it can bring us potential benefits. The most obvious application of cloning technology is in the field of medicine, rather than waiting for the mercy of organ donors. You can replace your whole body with your clone.

All diseases can be cured, because your body can be replaced like any other industrial product. Why not clone.




It can make some endangered animals continue to carry out racial discrimination. Although medical human cloning has many shortcomings, it can also make many people unable to realize their children's dream. The scientific community divides it into two types: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning.

The former is used for cloning. Embryonic stem cell cloning technology is used to carry out medical research on human organs and solve organ transplantation The problem of insufficient donors is supported by the international scientific and ethical circles. However, there is a premise that the gestational period of embryos for therapeutic cloning should not exceed the day limit for reproductive cloning, which is called human cloning.

Because it generally violates the principles of bioethics, scientists and mainstream public opinion strongly oppose it, UNESCO, who and the United Nations The International Committee on human genome ethics and governments have expressed their opposition to reproductive cloning.




(advantages and disadvantages of cloning) cloning or not cloning is an advanced technology that has pushed human beings to the edge, such as the production of weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of ozone by freon, and the application of cloning technology in human reproduction. Cloning is beneficial to human beings to a certain extent. Diseases such as Parkinson's disease may be cured in the future.

It is hoped that the further application of cloning technology will bring unimaginable destruction to human beings. Since dolly announced his death, we have become more aware of the low efficiency process of cloning corresponding to "Dolly's false heritage" The mortality rate of offspring is many times higher than that of natural reproduction, and the mortality rate before and after birth is twice and twice higher than the normal level respectively. You may even say that this technology will become more perfect in the future.

I don't think cloning has any significance. This technology is a promising technology, which will take all people to a new era, in this new era, all of them Humans will all be done by cloning. So scientists in some countries have begun their great plans to clone humans, but let's think about the practical value of doing so? You can tell me that it can give hope to infertile couples who might choose a copy of a child rather than accept a doughnut genetic invasion, but imagine if you had a child with the same appearance as you or your husband, would you not hesitate to accept it? Don't you think it's embarrassing? Or if this kind of human reproduction is allowed, terrorists may seize it and copy many "American presidents".

Do you not agree that these presidents will bring more chaos to the world in addition to these terrible aspects? Cloning of human beings will certainly destroy the diversity of human beings on earth. There are still many shortcomings in the application of human and animal cloning. What should we do to ourselves Very cautious, so remember that we must be responsible for all the results we create.

What do you think.




标签: 英文 高分 七年级 作文 利弊

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