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关于”找工作时考虑的因素“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Factors to consider when looking for a job。以下是关于找工作时考虑的因素的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Factors to consider when looking for a job

To succeed in a job interview or almost any interview, a job seeker should show certain personal and professional qualities. Most likely, the first impression of a person is usually determined by the clothes he wears. Job seekers should pay attention to dress appropriately, dress modestly, avoid going to extremes, and dress too grandiose or too casual.

People who pay attention to their personal image should pay close attention to their way of speaking. They are neither conspicuous nor familiar, but straightforward, accurate and friendly in grammar. In addition, he should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position, because in the end, a truly impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for the job, because these are the factors that the interviewer attaches great importance to.

If the applicant shows the above characteristics, he will have a bit of luck and will be successful in a typical personnel interview.





I heard that Chinese students lack work and real-life experience, so I want to find a job that can give me enough experience. Secondly, in order to warm up my future work, I want to find a job related to my major in University. I want to improve my communication skills.

So these are all my job hunting goals. Before I realize it, I should be fully prepared. First of all, I will decide what I want to do and become a private teacher, because it meets all my expectations in school, I can use what I have learned, I can really find a stranger to chat and study.

If I do well, I should thank and give some help to others. Last but not least, as a private teacher, I can get a good salary.




At present, I sympathize with college students on their way to job hunting. They enter the sacred campus with their dreams and work hard for a better future day and night. Most students also have the opportunity to continue their postgraduate education.

Although their parents are very old and should enjoy the pleasure of living on their children, they have to continue to work hard to provide their children with expensive tuition and family The seniors hope that students can find a good job after graduation, so as to change the current poverty situation. However, to their surprise, it is too difficult to find a job outside their dreams. The reason why they can't find an ideal job is mainly due to the following factors.

Many universities expand the number of students without considering the social needs. More and more students seem to have become part of the society Disjointed people, company directors complain that graduates often have high expectations for their jobs. However, it is understandable that they have spent more than 20 years studying on campus.

They think that they have almost spent half of their life for a better job. But do they have any misunderstanding? They also think that these companies are very special and frustrated with graduates The government is still carrying out their policy of telling college students where they are going.




标签: 英文 高分 作文 专业 工作

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