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For young people, the most important thing is to learn. On this point, I have always stressed that in the future society, at least one person who can be responsible for himself is very important to him. I never pursued stars since childhood, and I am not a member of the league.

I will never believe these suggestions from fans for teenagers: study hard, do not become a gnawing old people, try to be in college I don't know what to do when I go to work as an intern in a company, which means a star to you. However, when parents raise their children, at least they don't want you to be a burden on them, but also to be able to rely on themselves. Recently, I always talk about these topics.

Obviously, there are some commonplace things. I hope you can help you to be nearly 30 years old. I think you will know what responsibility is, what is love, what is now, and how to read well On the other hand, I have to walk at least twice a year to see the outside world.

Some things need to be taken more to understand. Many things in the world are changing. Time is changing.

When you are on your way, people will slander you maliciously. Nothing will come to slander you. When you leave, you will be scolded and so on, And as you imagine so easy, but remember, always with a tolerant, considerate heart to forgive everything, your world will be different.




2:,He was about forty years old, a tall, thin man with a pair of glasses that made him more like a gentleman. He is very strict with us. He often prepares lessons and corrects his homework carefully.

His teaching style is very unique because he is used to encouraging all of us to think and study independently. Bruce and we have a good relationship. He is very good friends, every student likes him and respects him very much.

Our teacher is excellent and we all like him very much. Bruce is from England. He is about 40 years old.

He is a tall and thin man with a pair of glasses. Bruce is very strict with us. He always prepares lessons and corrects his homework carefully.

His teaching style is very different from other teachers. He always encourages us to think independently and study independently. Now our ability of independent study has greatly improved Bruce's relationship with us Well done.

He is very friendly to us. We all love and respect him,.






3:建议上,Life is not always easy, especially when I was in middle school, I always had some problems that made me uneasy. I always didn't know what I could do, but my parents were here to help me. I remember when I got a low score in an exam, I felt embarrassed when I faced anyone who I thought I didn't want to be a good student My teachers will not think highly of me in the future.

I lost control and I cried. But my parents told me that failure is the mother of success. My parents told me that they thought I was destined to be a good student.

Maybe I am not good at long history. I can be good at another subject, but I think I let my parents down too much My mother told me that every mother's child is handsome. My greatest art is you.

If God gives me another chance to choose my child, I will still choose you. I always tell you that a man can't do more than he can. We hope you can have a healthy body.

Second, we hope you can be happy forever. The last thing is your study. Don't worry about your failure It's not your business to come here.

Everything will be OK. I really appreciate my parents. They helped me when I was in trouble.

Because of my parents, I can grow up happily and successfully.




标签: 大学 英文 高分 五年级 作文

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