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关于”写美国“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write America。以下是关于写美国的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write America

The coastal plains along the Atlantic coast extend inland into deciduous forests and hilly foothills. The Appalachian Mountains separate the east coast from the Great Lakes and the Midwest grasslands. The Mississippi River is the fourth longest river system in the world.

It runs through the Central Plains of North and South countries from north to south. The flat and fertile prairie extends westward and is interrupted by a highland in the southeast. The Rockies are located on the western edge of the Great Plains and extend from north to south across the country.

The rocky basins and deserts in western Colorado, such as the Mojave mountains, the Nevada mountains and the Cascade Mountains, are close to the Pacific coast. Mt. McKinley in Alaska is the highest peak in the United States.

In North America, active volcanoes are found in the Alexandria and Aleutian Islands of Alaska Hawaii is made up of volcanic islands, and the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in the Rockies is the largest volcanic landscape on the continent.





Los Angeles is the largest city in California. With an estimated population of one million, Los Angeles has been rated as the eighth largest economic power city in the world by Forbes magazine. Everyone should be familiar with Hollywood, the most famous film factory.

It has produced thousands of good films for the world. Hollywood and Los Angeles are known as the "entertainment capital of the world". They are in the leading position in the world in film creation.

The importance of TV production and recording music entertainment industry to this city makes many celebrities call Los Angeles and its surrounding suburbs home. Los Angeles is also one of them Cities with many tourist attractions and famous buildings are very popular among foreign tourists all over the world.




Even by the standards of the worst financial crisis in at least a generation, the events of Sunday and the day before were extraordinary. At the beginning of the weekend, it was hoped that an agreement would be reached to save Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the Americas, with or without government support. Finally, the Lehman Brothers will face bankruptcy protection and the bank is ready to fail if these efforts fail.

Other fragile financial giants are scrambling to sell themselves or raise enough capital to avoid a similar fate. Merrill Lynch, the third largest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America America, the country's third-largest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America, a former pursuit of Lehman Brothers, in a $1bn all stock deal. The international group proposed a potentially life-saving reform plan and submitted a report to the Federal Reserve on Sunday night.

The situation is still volatile, and bankers and regulators are trying to limit their preparation for Monday's dreadful Monday. The Australian stock market fell sharply on Monday, while the U.S. stock market opened sharply lower.

Futures prices were also deeply in deficit. The spread of the US dollar on high-risk credit has increased, further expanding the nightmare of the US financial industry on Wall Street. A repeat of the weekend reshaped the US financial industry's acquisition of Merrill Lynch, leaving only two large independent investment banks in the United States, Morgan Stanley Stanley and Goldman Sachs.


即使按照至少一代人以来最严重的金融危机的标准来看,周日斯佩滕伯斯和前一天发生的事件都是非同寻常的。上周末开始时,人们希望,无论有没有政府支持,都能达成一项拯救雷曼兄弟美洲第四大投资银行的协议。最后,莱曼兄弟将迎来破产破产保护和银行准备在这些努力失败后倒闭其他脆弱的金融巨头争先恐后地出售自己或筹集足够的资本来避免类似的命运第三大投资银行美林(merrill lynch)将自己出售给了美国银行(bank of america),这家美国第三大投资银行在一笔价值10亿美元的全股票交易中,将自己卖给了美国银行(bankofamerica),这是雷曼兄弟昔日的追求者这家国际集团提出了一项可能救命的改革方案,并于周日晚向美联储(fed)提交了一份报告。

形势仍然不稳定,银行家和监管机构正努力限制他们为周一可怕的周一所做的准备。澳大利亚股市周一大幅走低,美国股市开盘大幅走低期货价格也深陷赤字,美元在高风险信贷上的利差已经上升,进一步扩大了美国金融业在华尔街的噩梦周末一场重演重塑美国金融业收购美林只剩下美国两家大型独立投资银行摩根士丹利(morgan stanley)和高盛(goldman sachs)。


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