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关于”这学期的收获“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The harvest of this semester。以下是关于这学期的收获的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The harvest of this semester

I am the president. The first thing I have to do is a difficult task. Our education is very unfair.

This is not the same. There are many differences between public and private education. In some places, we do not have ready teachers.

Even if we have titles, we should not have street children. We need an institution to protect children and put them in places where they can learn, eat and learn a lot of good things, and there is no need to worry that this law must take children away from their homes where they are harmed and exploited. If I were the president, I would work hard, but we have money, but we just don't have a good distribution.




2:,Time flies, the first half of the semester is far away, from the beginning of the semester, I have made a lot of achievements, I learned to play football, made a lot of new friends in the school, but my biggest harvest is that my English level has improved, I can get a in English test now, I can talk with others in fluent English, which makes me very happy, but I still have some difficulties, the biggest at present The difficulty is that my mathematics is still very poor, I have never got an a, although I have studied it very hard, which makes me very sad, but I will not give up, I will continue to work hard, I believe I can improve my mathematics soon.




3:这学期的收获,Time flies, last semester is far away from me, in the past semester, my mind and body are very different, now let me share with you in learning, I strive to achieve higher results, finally I got the teacher's praise, I am proud of myself, I made a lot of friends, I can tell them to share my ideas, we can Understand each other and help each other. When one of us is in trouble, I'm glad to meet so many good friends in this semester. I still have some goals to do.

I think if I make my efforts, I will get my reward.




标签: 五年级 作文 真题 学期 年级

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